Heckler&Koch USP TACTICAL User Manual

Page 6

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CAUTiON: A pair of Universal Mounting Grooves located on the front of the USP’s

frame allows for a variety of ac ces so ries to be used with the pistol. improperly

de signed or in stalled ac ces so ries may re sult in dam age to the mounting grooves and/

or the pistol. Such dam age is not cov ered under warranty. Be certain to use only HK

authorized accessories and follow in stal la tion and pre cau tions care ful ly.


WArNiNG: USP series pistols incorporates single-action and/or double-action

modes of operation. Anytime the trigger is pulled with the control lever in the fire

(horizontal) position and a cartridge in the chamber, the pistol will fire from either the

hammer down or cocked positions.

Trigger (in Double/Single-Action modes)
In the double-action mode, pulling the trigger will cock the hammer and immediately

release it firing the first chambered cartridge. All subsequent cartridges will be fired in the

single-action mode because the slide automatically recocks the hammer after each shot is

fired. To fire the first chambered cartridge in the single-action mode, the hammer must be

manually cocked before pulling the trigger. All shots after the first shot will be fired single-

action because the slide automatically recocks the hammer after each shot is fired.

In the double-action only mode, the hammer always returns to the uncocked (forward)

position after each shot. All shots are fired in the double-action mode. The HK LEM (Law

Enforcement Modification) mode functions similar to double-action only mode.

Control Lever
This manually operated lever is located on the side of the frame below the rear sight.

This lever is operated with the firing thumb and can perform both functions of a safety

lever and a decocking lever, depending on the parts installed.

NOTe: Some variants do not have a control lever. On some USPs, including some of

the specialized USP models (USP elite USP expert), a control lever is present on both

sides of the frame.

Control lever as a safety lever
On HK USPs with the “SAFE” position (Variants 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, & 10), the front of this lever

is fully raised above horizontal so that the “S” on the lever itself aligns with the reference

line on the frame (see Figure 3 ). With this control lever engaged, the release of the

hammer is blocked in the single-action mode of fire. In the double-action mode, the

hammer will partially cock but will not release to fire the pistol.

WArNiNG: The USP Series Pistol fitted with LeM parts incorporates dou ble-ac tion

only mode of operation. Any time the trig ger is pulled with a car tridge in the cham ber,

the pistol will fire from the ham mer down position.

In the double-action only mode, the hammer always re turns to the uncocked (forward)

position after each shot. All shots are fired in the double-action mode.

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Control Lever “SAFE”

Control Lever “FIRE”

Control Lever “DECOCK”

Depending on the model, USP series magazines are constructed of high-strength, light-

weight polymer or metal. Polymer magazines have a metal insert located in the upper

third of the housing for increased strength and durability. Cartridges are positioned

within the magazine in a staggered arrangement but are fed into the pistol from a

single row under the feed lips. The cartridges are visible through the numbered viewing

holes located in the back of the magazine. For main te nance and clean ing, USP Series

mag a zines can be easily dis as sem bled. Interchangeable floorplates are avail able for the

magazines of the many USP Series Pistols. A stan dard flat floorplate and an ex tend ed mag-

a zine floorplate with a fin ger ex ten sion provide a choice of grip options with each pistol.

Mag a zine floorplates can be eas i ly removed and changed without tools dur ing dis assembly.

The extractor on the some USP models acts as a loaded chamber in di ca tor. When a

cartridge is in the chamber, the red colored forward edge of the extractor protrudes ap-

prox i mate ly 1 mm from the slide and is visible to the operator.

CAUTiON: Do not depend on the presence of a loaded chamber indicator to determine

if a pistol is loaded. Treat all weapons as if they are always loaded!

Slide release
This lever is located on the left side of the frame directly above the trigger. This lever is

used to lock the slide open, to release the slide, and to disassemble the pistol.

As a slide stop, it is lifted upward by the magazine follower or the operators finger as the

slide travels rear ward during recoil or manual manipulation. The slide re lease engages

in the recess located on the left side of the slide at its midpoint. The slide release is

spring ac tu at ed and is held down out of engagement with the slide until required. The

slide release will au to mat i cal ly hold the slide open when the last shot is fired. As a

disassembly lever, the slide release is removed from the left side of the frame when the

slide is held partially rearward.

Magazine release Lever
This ambidextrous, spring actuated le ver holds the magazine in place within the grip by

engaging in the notch found on the front of the mag a zine housing. Depressing this lever

downward with the firing index finger or thumb will allow the magazine, re gard less of

the number of car tridg es inside, to drop free of the frame. The mag a zine release lever is

shielded from accidental ac tu a tion by the design of the polymer frame and flared trigger

guard sur round ing it.

This manual is related to the following products: