Muse Research Receptor VIP v2.2 Software release notes User Manual

Page 4

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Here are the various things you'll see in the LIVE MODE screen and what they mean:

- Preset name appears in normal text: Preset is loaded and ready to play instantly.

- Preset name appears in italics: Preset is not yet loaded in to RAM (this will always be
some number of presets down the line from the current loaded preset.

- Stopwatch appears before Preset name: Preset is currently being loaded.

- Green Dot appears before Preset name (

): Notes in the preset are currently being


- Red Dot appears before Preset name (

): Notes from a non-current preset are still


Switching presets can be done one of four ways:

1. Use the INC or DEC arrows on the LIVE MODE window. We have purposely created
very large targets to make it easy to hit these buttons using a wireless mouse, track pad,
or a wireless mobile device like an Android Phone or Tablet iPad, iPod, iPhone. In order
to see the user interface over Wi-Fi, you will need a Wi-Fi router connected to your
RECEPTOR and a VNC viewer on your mobile device. See the website or the
Receptorland YouTube channel for more information how to make these connections.

2. Click on the name of any preset in the LIVE MODE preset list. This is handy in the
case where you need to jump directly to another preset in the set list. Important note: if
the preset name is not in normal text, then it is not yet loaded into RAM resulting in a
slight delay before that sound is playable. For this reason, we highly recommend that
you organize your presets in the order in which you intend to perform them. This is done
by opening the list of presets in the TAG (before you make them LIVE), then clicking
and dragging them into the correct order.

3. Connect a footswitch into the footswitch input jack on the rear of the unit. If you
connect a single footswitch, you will INCREMENT through the list of presets. If you
connect a stereo "Left / Right Y" cable and two footswitches to the footswitch input, one
footswitch Increments through the list, the other Decrements through the list.

4. Turn the top knob on the front panel and press the encoder when you see the name of
the patch you want to play.

5. Send a MIDI program change from your MIDI controller. The RECEPTOR will load
whatever program change is received within the preset range of numbers.

Please note that some synthesizers number their presets with the first patch as patch
number zero, and some have the first patch as patch number one. You can accommodate
either patch numbering scheme in RECEPTOR VIP by selecting "MIDI" in the setup
menu, and selecting either patch numbering starting at one or patch numbering starting at
zero. Also please note that program change numbers that fall outside the numbered
preset range in LIVE MODE will be ignored.
