Troubleshooting, Micropower specifications – Eagle Tree eLogger V2 User Manual

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Copyright © 2003-2005 Eagle Tree Systems, LLC

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Happy Modeling!!


Below is a list of problems that may be encountered, and steps to remedy them.

A good first step to troubleshooting, if you are able to connect your MicroPower to your PC, is to download our latest software and update the
MicroPower’s Firmware via “Tools, Firmware Control.” Doing this will ensure that you have the latest software and firmware available.

If your particular issue is not addressed by this update, or by the suggestions below, please visit our web support page for additional support options,


Issue: My PC does not recognize the MicroPower.
Solution: Try to eliminate the problem in the following ways:


Disconnect all other USB peripherals from your PC (if possible) and try the MicroPower again.


Try the MicroPower on a different PC. If it works, there may be a misconfiguration with your PC.


Try the MicroPower with a different USB cable, if you have one. If this works, your cable has been damaged.


Try rebooting your PC – occasionally USB support gets disabled with some PCs.


Try the other USB connector on you PC if it has two.


Ensure that USB is enabled within your Operating System by checking in Device Manager. You’ll need to see your Windows™
documentation to determine how to do this on your particular OS version.

Issue: RPM is not working correctly (note: also see the Optical Sensor instruction manual if you are using the Optical Sensor)

With the magnetic sensor, check to make sure your sensor to magnet gap is around 2mm or less.

Check the magnet polarity mounting. The magnet should have been glued so that the red line faces down, away from the sensor, and the
writing on the sensor faces the magnet. If you inadvertently glued the magnet so that the red line is facing UP, flip the sensor over so the
"non printed" side faces the magnet.

Make sure that under Choose What to Log in the app, you have checked RPM.

Make sure that the RPM sensor is plugged into the correct slot on the MicroPower

Connect the MicroPower to the computer and launch the app. Then, choose Tools->Live Mode. Make sure that the RPM gauge is
displayed, and spin the magnets, or wave the magnets by hand in front of the sensor. Try both sides of the magnets and both sides of the
sensor. See if the RPM reading jumps.

Issue: I have a fully charged battery, but the MicroPower frequently shows “Low Battery Restart” Notifications when playing back data.
Solution: The MicroPower shuts down immediately if the power goes below around 4.5 volts for more than a few milliseconds, and logs this
occurrence when the power returns to above 4.5 volts. If your battery’s voltage frequently drops this low, you may be underpowered, and may want
to consider getting a bigger battery.

Issue: the Current or Voltage being logged by the MicroPower appears incorrect.

Make sure that the parameters you wish to log are checked under “Tools, Choose Parameters to be logged in Recorder”

The MicroPower is factory calibrated using a highly accurate current and voltage measurement tool. If the current readings appear to be
slightly different than another meter you are accustomed to, it is easy to calibrate the MicroPower readings to your other meter’s readings
if desired. This is done by choosing “Tools, Calibrate Pack Voltage and Amperage” and entering the values your meter reads, and the
MicroPower reads. If you don’t desire to change the calibration on, say, voltage, but wish to change it for amperage, just leave the voltage
fields as 0, and the calibration for voltage will not change.

If the MicroPower appears to be reading highly inaccurate voltages or currents, the first thing to try is to clear all calibration. This is done
running the calibration tool as described above, but entering the same values for the problem measurement. For example, if amperage is
way off, enter the same value (say, 5.0) for both the MicroPower amperage and the “my other meter” amperage, which will clear all
internal and user calibration.

Issue: the temperature appears to be logged incorrectly.

Make sure that the parameters you wish to log are checked under “Tools, Choose Parameters to be logged in Recorder”

It is normal for the Temperature 2 channel to have a wider spacing between temperature readings at room temperature, than the
temperature 1 channel. This largely disappears when temperature exceeds 100 degrees F.

MicroPower Specifications

Voltage Measurement: approx 5V to 45V
Voltage Resolution: 0.1V
Current Measurement: up to 100 Amps
Current Resolution: 0.1 Amp
Current Draw: approx 35 mA
Weight: Unit with Integrated Connectors: approx 0.56 oz (17 grams), Unit with Wire Leads: 0.7 oz (21 grams)
Temperature: Dual inputs, 0 degrees F to 424 degrees F (one temperature input when RPM is used)
RPM range: approx 100 RPM to 50,000+ RPM
Units of Measure supported: English and Metric

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