Turning Technologies CPS User Manual

Page 28

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CPS for PowerPoint PC



The Item Analysis with Standards Report is unavailable for sessions delivered with Student Practice

Standards Analysis Report

The Standards Analysis Report lists each standard code, the actual standard and the percentage of students who correctly
answered the questions associated with the standard. This percentage does not calculate any questions in the lesson that are
not associated with standards.


This report is only available if the session contained questions with associated standards. Scores are
calculated using the first answer inputted for sessions delivered with Student Practice mode.

Opinion Survey Report

The Opinion Survey Report shows the percentage of students who selected each answer choice.

Data Slicing Report

The Data Slicing Report displays the Charting window. Compare results from selected questions, print or save as a PNG file.
If the class roster contains demographic information, you can view results to a selected question for the participants in the
selected group.

