Appendix- command line interface, Start-up and terminal configuration, Login/logout procedures – Encore electronic ENMGS-24+4 User Manual

Page 33: Tart, Up and, Erminal configuration, Ogin, Ogout, Rocedures

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Appendix- Command Line Interface

Start-up and Terminal configuration

To start-up the command line interface, please connect a PC COM port to
the RS-232 connector and activate a terminal emulation software (e.g.
HyperTerminal of Windows.)

The terminal emulation software should be started as the following


Data rate: 115200 baud


Data format: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity


Flow control: none.


Click the property icon, select settings, make sure that:

10. “The Function, arrow, and ctrl keys act as”: Terminal keys

”Emulation”: VT100

Login/Logout Procedures

To get access to the CLI, you will have to get the username and password
for login. The default username and password are admin/admin.

Note: We recommend users to configure a new username/password to
prevent unauthorized users from accessing to the device.

