Edimax Technology Wireless LAN Access Point User Manual

Page 28

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W ireless L AN AP Configuration

Key For mat

You may selec t t o selec t ASCII
Characters (al phanumeric format) or
Hexadecimal Digits (in the “A-F”, “a-f”
and “0-9” range) t o be t he WEP Key. For
ASCII Charact ers: guest
Hexadecimal Digits: 12345abcde

Key 1 - Key 4

The WEP keys are us ed to encr ypt data
transmit ted in t he wireless net wor k. Fill
the text box by f ollowing the rules bel ow.
64-bit WEP: input 10-digit Hex values (in
the “A-F”, “a-f” and “ 0-9” range) or 5-digit
ASCII c haract er as the encryption keys .
128-bit WEP: i nput 26-digit Hex values
(in the “A-F”, “a-f” and “0-9” range) or 13-
digit ASCII charact ers as t he encr yption
keys .

Default Key

Select one of t he f our keys t o encrypt
your data. Onl y the key you selec t it in
the “Def ault key” will take eff ect.

Use internal


RADIUS Ser ver

You c an select to use the internal
RADIUS ser ver t o proc ess t he
aut hentication job. The internal RADIUS
server uses MD5 PEAP aut henticati on
met hod.

RADIUS Ser ver

IP address

The I P address of exter nal RADIUS

RADIUS Ser ver


The ser vice port of the ext ernal R ADIUS

RADIUS Ser ver

Pass word

The pass word used by ext ernal RADIU S

Click Appl y butt on at the bottom of the screen t o save t he
above configurations. You can now configure other advanc e
sections or st art using t he Access Point.


This manual is related to the following products: