Grass Valley KayakDD v.1.0.0 User Manual

Kayakdd™ quick reference

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KayakDD™ Quick Reference

Version 1.00


KayakDD™ uses a color touchscreen as the major
component in its flexible, yet powerful control
system. NAVIGATING the screen is assisted in
Version 1.00 by the use of semi-automatic
delegation which links functional areas of the
switcher to the relevant menu screen.

You can disable Menu Delegation (Menu Follow) by
pressing MENU LOCK.

LAST MENU jumps back one menu selection.

RETURN only appears in menus if you selected

them by using a navigation button within
another menu.
In Version 1.00 not all menus are operational

and though we show you their buttons you will
notice that pressing them will take you to the

menu HOME screen.


buttons quicker to use for On-Air applications.

The LIVE WIPE MENU shows the current wipe
pattern selection for points of use. Only USER

WIPES may be selected as changes to the
currently selected patterns.
The LIVE KEYER MENU shows the mode of the

delegated keyer with only mode selection,
matte fill, key invert, clip controls and for
Preset Pattern, border on.


SOURCE SELECTION. On any Source Selection Row,
pressing a Source Selector button will change that
line output to the newly selected source at the

next odd field.* Any Source Selection row that
contributes to the On-Air picture will change
button color to RED.

SHIFT BUTTON. At the right hand end of each

source selector row is a SHIFT button.

By pressing and holding the SHIFT BUTTON you
get access to the second, or shifted sources
names on the source selector row.
When a shifted source is selected the SHIFT
BUTTON on that row stays illuminated.
If the source is a PGM or PST source and is
transitioned the SHIFT BUTTON follows the
To select a non-shifted source press only the
source selector button required. This cancels

the shift function for that row.**

Miscellaneous lines of the switcher, the top row is

a destination row.

To access Aux Busses higher than Aux 5 you

must press the SHIFT BUTTON at the end of
the destination line.
Selecting a Shifted Destination will keep the

SHIFT BUTTON illuminated until a non-shifted
destination is selected.

* Odd Field dominance for transitions is the default

for KayakDD™ as delivered. This may be altered

using an Engineering Side Panel.

** In Version 1.00 other Shift Modes are possible if

an Engineering Side Panel is used.


KEYING a Character Generator.

Use ADD KEY If you use a character generator
that produces ANTI-ALIASED lettering or an

external Digital Effects device that produces
soft borders on its video output.

In the Keyer Mode Menu check that the key
signal is being used correctly by going to the
setup menu.
Switch to Clip High/Low and setting Clip High
to 100% and Clip Low to 0%. If you prefer Clip
and Gain control set the value of Clip to 50%
and Gain to 100%.
If you have problems with a keyer setup press
the KEY PVW button in the Keyer Area. It will
automatically switch your Preview Monitor to
show only the currently delegated keyer over
the background.
Pressing it again will show you the
monochrome key signal your adjustments have

For a CG this should match exactly the key
signal from the unit.
Pressing KEY PVW a third time will restore the

Preview Monitor to Look-ahead mode.
Use LUM key for a caption camera.

Chromakey (CHROMATTE™)


Select your Chromatte™ Source on the keyer
you want to use and Automatic Delegation will

take you to the KEYER MENU.
Either in the menu or in the Keyers Area select
the CHROMA mode.
Press CURSOR and use the Joystick to move
the cursor (visible in the Preview Monitor) to
the background – usually a blue or green wall.
Press AUTO or the Joystick button to start the

automatic adjustment.
Occasionally you may need to tweak the
selectivity manually – see below.
