Initial testing, Testing iis installation, Testing conform service installation – Grass Valley NewsBrowse XRE Conformance Server Distribution User Manual

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NewsBrowse XRE Conformance Server Distribution

October 26, 2004

NewsBrowse XRE Conformance Server Distribution

12. Change the username from “machine” to “System” in the machine.config file. See

“Machine.Config” on page 4


13. To stop and restart the XRE server, go to task manager and find the process

aspnet_wp.exe. Select this process and hit the End Process button. The process will
be automatically re-spawned by IIS.

NOTE: With 2.0, sometimes the standard Windows Task Manager is not able to kill
the aspnet_wp process. However, a free Process Explorer from can kill the aspnet_wp process.

Initial Testing

You can do a quick test on the XRE machine to verify that the Conform server has
been installed correctly.

Testing IIS installation

On the XRE Conform Server machine, do the following:

1. Launch Internet Explorer

2. Go to the following URL: http://<XreServerName>

3. You should get an IIS 5.1 page that says something like “Your Web Service is Now


4. If not, you should check the IIS installation procedure

(Please replace <XreServerName> with the actual IP name of your server).

Testing Conform Service Installation

On the XRE Conform Server machine, do the following:

1. Using IE, go to the following URL: http://<XreServerName>/xre/Services.asmx

2. You should get a screen similar to the one shown.
