Curtis SMPK4412 User Manual

Quick start guide, Smpk4412-asstpl

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Quick Start Guide


2.Music Play

1) Choose “Music” option on the main menu, Press “VOL” to enter

Music Mode and press “ VOL ” play music.

2) Press “ / ” to play the previous or next song.

3) Press “ ” to pause music.

4) On the music play or pause menu,long press “MENU” to select

“Repeat” “Select EQ”. “Lyric display”“Add to Mylist”.’Delete the


5) Press “VOL” to adjust volume, press “ / ” to

increase or decrease volume.

6) Successive short press “MENU ” to return the main menu.

4. Pictures

1) Choose “Pictures” option on the main menu, Press “VOL ” to enter

the “Photo Browse” , select your desired picture.

2) press “ VOL ” to Browse pictures

3) Press “ / ” to choose Browsing pictures.

4) On Photo Browse Press and hold “MENU ” to enter (slide gap),

(slide effect) , (Delete the File).

5) Successive short press “ “MENU ” to return the main menu

6.Video Recorder

1) Choose “Video Recorder” option on the main menu, Press “VOL

to enter Video Recorder mode.

2) Press “ ” enter video.Press “ M ” to save video file.

3) Press and hold“MENU ” to enter video setting.

4)Press “MENU ” return to the main menu.

5) Choose “Videos” option on the main menu, Press “VOLto Browse


8. Setting

1) Choose “Setting” option on the main menu, Press “VOL ” to enter

the (Date&Time) , (Display), (Power Saving), (Language),

( player Information), corresponding setting interface.

2) Press “ / ” the select option, Press “VOL ” to enter it.

3)Setting Date&Time,.Long press”Menu” to switch ”Month/Day/Year””:

Time AM/PM”

Press “ / ” to enter setting. Ppress “MENU” to exit.












USB port


1) Choose “Videos” option on the main menu, Press “ VOL ” to enter

video Mode and press “ VOL ” to play movie.

2) Press “ ” to pause movie and Press and hold “MENU ” to

enter deletion option

3) Press “ / ” to play the previous or next movie.

4) Press “VOL” to adjust volume, press “ / ” to

increase or decrease volume.

5) Press and hold “ / ” to fast forwards or fast backwards.

6) Successive short press“ MENU ” to return the main menu.


1) Choose “Camera” option on the main menu, Press “VOL ” to enter

Camera mode.

2) Press “ ” to enter camera and save picture.

3) Press and hold“MENU ” to enter camera setting.

4)Press “MENU ” return to the main menu.

5) Choose “Pictures” option on the main menu, Press “VOLto

Browse pictures

7. Extra

1) Select “Extra” on the main menu, Press “VOL ” to enter

2) Select“Recordings”, Press “VOL ” to enter record mode.

3) Select“Ebook”, Press “VOL ” to enter ebook mode.

4) Select“Calendar”, Press “VOL ” to enter calendar mode.

5) Select“Stopwatch”, Press “VOL ” to enter stopwatch mode.

5) Select ”File Navi”, Press “VOL ” to enter fiel navigation.

6) Select“PC camera”, Press “VOL ” to enter webcamera mode.

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