Xi-2181 bass system – Electro-Voice XI-2181 User Manual

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Xi-2181 Bass System

Xi-2181 Bass System


ing its sonic integrity from the very-lowest

sound pressure levels to the very-highest

sound pressure levels. This means that the

front-of-house engineer will not have to re-

tune the EQ and level settings as the SPL is

increased throughout the show. This also

means that the sound-system performance

will remain consistent in different array con-

figurations and from venue to venue.

The X-Array

Install™ systems utilizes full

top/bottom L-track.

The durable Xi-2181 enclosure is con-

structed of 18-mm, 13-ply birch plywood and

has a wear-resistant black, textured paint fin-

ish. The system is trapezoidal, forming an

18° wedge and includes a heavy-duty steel

grille with a water-resistant charcoal-gray

foam interlining.


The X-Array

Install™ loudspeaker systems

were designed for optimal performance in

both concert-sound and permanent-installa-

tion applications where studio-monitor

sound quality is required at concert-sound

levels. The X-Array

Install™ loudspeaker

systems work well individually, in small ar-

rays and in large arrays. The high acoustic

output from these compact, lightweight sys-

tems provide the highest acoustic-power-to-

weight ratio, the highest acoustic-power-to-

frontal-area ratio, and the highest acoustic-

power-to-bulk-volume ratio in the industry.

That means that X-Array

systems will be

considerably smaller and lighter compared

to competitive systems having equivalent

acoustic output. With its response from 37-

200 Hz, the Xi-2181 is recommended for

low-frequency applications where very-high

levels of bass are required from a compact

enclosure. Specifically, the Xi-2181 has been

optimized to provide low-frequency rein-

forcement for the Xi 2153, 2183, 2123, 1123,

1153, 1152, 1122 systems. The Xi-2181 may

be used individually or in multiples to con-

struct low-frequency arrays, or may be used

with the mid-bass-/high-frequency or low-/

mid-bass-/high-frequency X-Array


loudspeaker systems to construct large full-

range arrays. The Merlin ISP100 as well as

the Electro-Voice Dx34A and Klark Teknik

DN8000 digital crossovers are recommended

for signal control. (See the Crossover, Equal-

ization and Signal Delay Controller section.)

The Electro-Voice P3000 amplifier is recom-

mended for powering the Xi-2181. (See the

Amplifier Recommendations section.)

Power-Handling Capabilities

The Xi-2181 systems are rated as per the

“ANSI/EIA RS-426-A Loudspeaker Power-

Rating, Full-Range Test,” which uses a

shaped-random-noise signal to simulate typi-

cal music to test the mechanical and thermal

capabilities of the loudspeakers. A digital

crossover was used to provide the appropri-

ate filtering and equalization. The test pa-

rameters are as follows:

Low-Frequency Section (Pins 1 and 2 par-





1,200 watts

Test Voltage: 58.7-volts rms

117.4-volts peak






2.88 ohms

Amplifier Recommendations

Power amplifiers with the following ratings

are recommended for use with the Xi-2181

loudspeaker systems:


800 watts into 8 ohms

91-volts rms short term

130-volts peak

Xi-2181 loudspeakers may be paralleled with

other Xi-2181 systems as long as the ampli-

fiers can drive the lower impedances. To

maintain a sufficient damping factor with

long cable runs, amplifier loads of four ohms

per channel are recommended. The

Electro-Voice P3000 amplifiers are ideal for

powering the X-Array


Crossover, Equalization and Signal

Delay Controller

The Xi-2181 is intended to be used with

other X-Array

Install™ loudspeaker systems

to construct full-range arrays as an active sys-

tem requiring an active crossover, equaliza-

tion and signal delay controller. For basic

applications, the Merlin ISP100, or the Elec-

tro-Voice Dx34A 2-in/4-out controller is rec-

ommended. The Klark Teknik DN8000 2-

in/5-out controller is also recommended.

Linkwitz-Riley crossover filters with a mini-

mum slope of 24 dB per octave at 125 Hz

are recommended, and infrasonic filter pro-

tection at 32 Hz or higher with a minimum

slope of 12-dB/octave is recommended in the

low-frequency section. The ISP100 as well

as the Dx34A and the DN8000 offer appro-

priate filtering, equalization and signal de-

lay capabilities to provide optimum perfor-

mance of the X-Array Install™ loudspeaker

systems. Digital parameter settings for all

controllers are available upon request.

Electrical Connection and System Wiring

Two paralleled Neutrik 8-pin Speakon



nectors are used for electrical connection to

the Xi-2181 loudspeakers with the follow-

ing pin assignments:


Pins 1 Paralleled


Pins 2 Paralleled

The Xi-2181 wiring diagram is shown in

Figure 7. Since the connectors are paralleled,

it does not matter which connector is used

as the input or output when paralleling

Xi-2181 systems. Although Pins 3 and 4 are

not used by the Xi-2181 systems, they are

paralleled on the input panel. This allows an


Install™ MB/HF box to be paral-

leled with an Xi-2181, allowing all eight con-

ductors to be used with a single cable run to

the amplifiers. Note that, when two Xi-2181

systems are jumped from one to another via

the input/output connections, the amplifier

home-run cable will have two woofers on

Pins 2 (for a 4-ohm load) and two woofers

on Pins 1 (for a 4-ohm load).

Flying the X-Array Install™ Systems

A manual entitled the X-Array Install™ Fly-

ing Manual is available from Electro-Voice

and is included with each flying Xi loud-

speaker system. A brief introductory over-

view is included here. The X-Array-Install™

Flying Manual should be consulted for com-

plete structural specifications and detailed

information on safely suspending and using

the Xi systems.

The Xi-2181 loudspeaker system includes

flying hardware, a unique two-point flying

system that permits a wide range of vertical

angle adjustment, and offers maximum flex-

ibility in array design for both touring sound

and permanent installations. The quick-re-

lease, aircraft-rated heavy-duty L-track type

hardware design allows arrays of loudspeak-

ers to be assembled (and disassembled) very

This manual is related to the following products: