Using the schedule editor – FOCUS Enhancements 3.2 User Manual

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Using the Schedule Editor

Within the Schedule Editor, there are two separate pages: the

Playlist Events Editor and the Video Dates Editor.
Within the Playlist Events Editor you will be able to work with

playback schedules. A schedule is a group of one or more playlist

events. An event is composed of a single playlist with adjustable

playback properties. Beyond simple start and stop times, events

can be set to play on certain days of the week, interrupt other

events, play just once or at certain repeating intervals.
The Video Dates Editor allows you to assign a specific start date,

end date or both a start and an end date for an individual video.

This is especially useful when you have time sensitive media that

you cannot have played before a certain date, after a certain date or

outside a certain date range.
To access the Schedule Editor, click on the Schedule Editor

navigation button on the left side of the WebView interface. By

default, the Playlist Events Editor will open.

Figure 13. Schedule Editor - Playlist Events Editor Page
