Discovering the program through the screens, Main menu, 4 discovering the program through the screens – Mio MIOMAP C220 User Manual

Page 15: 1 main menu

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4 Discovering the program through the screens

The best way to discover MioMap is to explore each screen in detail, and to find out
how to move from one to another. Read this chapter for a guided tour.

4.1 Main menu

MioMap starts by displaying the Main menu. This is the root of the screen hierarchy,
but you need to return here very rarely while using the program. Screens are also
accessible from each other to reduce the number of actions needed to initiate a
function or change a setting.

Most parts of the program are directly accessible from here by using the buttons
described below.




Button to open Settings

Page 69

Button to open Address

Page 58

Button to open Favourites

Page 68

Button to open Map screen

Page 23
