Tips and suggestions – Motorola CMD11E1 User Manual

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Tips and Suggestions

Tips and Suggestions

Following are a number of tips, suggestions and answers to common questions that will solve most
problems users have with the CMD11E1 development system. You can download the latest
software from the Support section of our web page at:


If you’re program code memory, make sure jumpers 1 and 2 are set parallel to the
MC68HC11 micro, not pointing away from it.

If you’re trying to start a program in external EEPROM (U7), make sure jumpers 1 and 2
are NOT installed.

Be certain that the data cable you’re using is bi-directional and is connected securely to
both the PC and the board. Also, make sure you are using the correct serial port.

Make sure the correct power is supplied to the board. You should only use a 9 volt,
200mA adapter or power supply. If you’re using a power strip, make sure it is turned on.

If the configuration file loads (the first 100 bytes or so), but you get a time-out error
when the program section begins to download, make sure the HC11 is internally
configured correctly by selecting Configure Processor from the main menu. During
program development the EEON should be enabled. The other bits should be disabled.

Make sure you load your code to a valid address. See the Memory Map.

Code Execution

Make sure ALL jumpers are set correctly according to your board’s configuration. Read
the hardware manual section on jumpers carefully if you’re not sure.

Always remember to remove JP1 and JP2 after programming the code memory.

If you programmed your code into external EEPROM memory and it doesn’t run, check
the HC11 reset vector, located at $FFFE - $FFFF. These 2 bytes contain the reset
vector address where execution will begin when the unit is powered on or reset. The
default vector is E000, which is the beginning of the 8k program address space.

Verify that all peripheral devices are initialized properly in your code. Failure to initialize
the serial port, for example, is a common problem. This is usually the case when the
code works under buffalo but not after programming.

ImageCraft C

Your make or build should create a .MAP file. Some versions change this to a .MP file.
At the top of this file should be a label __START. This is where you should CALL or GO
to when debugging in buffalo.
