Dx-tl900u, D x - t l 9 0 0 u, Channel digital video recorder

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Mitsubishi’s DX-TL900U 9-Channel Digital Video Recorder offers the win-

ning combination of performance and reliability at a value price. Mitsubishi

has a proven reputation for recorder quality and long-lasting durability, and

with the DX-TL900U, you get all of this and more at an affordable price.

Advanced features include unique recording settings to optimize storage

capacity, real-time recording speed of 30pps, and built-in motion detection.

Plus, our user-friendly design makes the transition from analog recording

easier and faster than you’d ever thought possible. When it comes to

value, the DX-TL900U is the ultimate choice for any security professional.

D X - T L 9 0 0 U

T h e U lt i m a t e V a l u e I n

H i g h P e r f o r m a n c e D i g i t a l R e c o r d i n g


9-Channel Digital Video Recorder

K e y F e a t u r e s

Unique recording settings
optimize storage capacity

Real-time recording
(30pps) speed

Remote monitoring capabili-
ties, including PTZ control,
with optional DX-VS1UE

21 days of 24 hour recording
at 1pps per camera

Built-in motion detection
per input
