Notice – Mitel 5212 User Manual

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Model 5212/5224 IP Endpoint User Guide for Inter-Tel


5000 Systems



This user guide is released by Inter-Tel (Delaware), Incorporated and provides information
necessary to use the Mitel Model 5212/5224 Internet Protocol (IP) endpoints on an Inter-Tel 5000
system. The guide contents, which reflect current Inter-Tel standards, are subject to revision or
change without notice.

Some features or applications mentioned may require a future release and are not available in this
release. Future product features are subject to availability and cost. Some features may require
additional hardware and/or specific software.

The contents of this guide may include technical or other inaccuracies. Inter-Tel reserves the right
to make revisions or changes without prior notice. Software packages released after the
publication of this guide will be documented in addenda to the guide or succeeding issues of the

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is a registered trademark of Inter-Tel (Delaware), Incorporated.

All other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners, including Mitel
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© 2008 Inter-Tel (Delaware), Incorporated
Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or
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