Roomba features, Roomba stops for 3 reasons – iRobot 4230 User Manual

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Roomba Features


Roomba Features


If Roomba's mission is abandoned,

always make sure the brushes and

bearings are clean.

Dirt Detect Mode
Roomba features the ability to clean more intensly in dirty areas.When Roomba finds a

particularly dirty area you will see the blue Dirt Detect light come on and Roomba will

change its cleaning pattern.
Roomba uses two sensors to recognize the dirtiest areas.To ensure optimal performance, you

may want to periodically wipe the sensors with a dry cloth. Roomba will sense heavy debris

like pepper, sand, and rice. Roomba will not sense pet hair or dust, but will pick them up.

Roomba Stops for 3 reasons



Mission Status:
At the end of a cleaning mission, Roomba will tell you if it has successfully completed

its mission.
