JL Audio M10W5 User Manual

Page 3

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The enclosure recommendations listed are external dimensions which assume the use of 3/4” (19mm) thick material. If you are using 5/8” (16mm) thick material, subtract 1/4”

(6.5mm) from each dimension. Do not use any material with a thickness of less than 5/8” (16mm) as this may compromise the rigidity of the enclosure.
All enclosure volumes listed are net internal volumes! Box volume displacement, port displacement and brace displacement must be added to obtain the final gross internal

volume. All enclosure dimensions listed have already taken this into account.




InTerCHanGeaBle loGo BaDGe
(sport-Grille models only)

Interchangeable Logo Badges for Sport Grille

model subwoofers are included to further customize
your installation. The design of the Sport Grille allows
for the JL Audio logo to be added in your choice of
included colors and oriented in the manner that best
suits your installation.

NOTE: A left and a right badge of each color is
included. These two different orientations ensure
the “JL Audio” Logo will read correctly wherever
positioned (most commonly the 3:00 or 9:00

Remove the adhesive backing from the badge

and affix the badge to the grille using the small
positioning hole as a guide. See diagram at right.

! !


! !

While this speaker is designed to be water and
spray resistant, it is not designed to be submerged
or to withstand high-pressure water spray.
Please exercise care when washing your boat to
avoid damaging your speaker. Do not install on
submersibles, personal watercraft or any other
vessel likely to be under water at any time.

Prolonged exposure to sound pressure levels in
excess of 100dB can cause permanent hearing loss.
This high-performance speaker can exceed this
level. Please exercise restraint in its operation in
order to preserve your ability to enjoy its fidelity.

When installing a subwoofer in your vessel, it is
extremely important to secure it firmly. This applies
not only to the woofer itself, but also the structure
it is mounted to. If not firmly attached, the speaker
can become a dangerous projectile in a collision.
Please review the mounting information carefully
and use the supplied marine-grade hardware to
mount this product.

A l l s p e c i f i c a t i o n s a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e .

Fiberglass Thickness

recommended Pilot Hole Drill size

0.125 in. (3.18 mm) or less

1/8 in. (3.18 mm) pilot hole

foam core / fiberglass sandwich

1/8 in. (3.18 mm) pilot hole

larger than 0.125 in. (3.18 mm)

9/64 in. (3.57 mm) pilot hole

#10 sCrew: PIloT Hole reCommenDaTIons

3:00 Position

9:00 Position


recommended sealed Design


(net int.)

external Dimensions

(width x Height x Depth)







0.875 ft³

24.8 litres

14 in. x 14 in. x 12 in.

356 mm x 356 mm x 305 mm





2.50 ft³

70.8 litres

18 in. x 18 in. x 17.75 in.

457 mm x 457 mm x 451 mm





recommended Ported Design


(net int.)

enclosure external Dimensions

(width x Height x Depth)

round Port specs

(Inner Diameter x length)

Port Information

Tune to:





1.250 ft³

35.4 litres

16.5 in. x 13.5 in. x 14 in.

419 mm x 343 mm x 356 mm

3 in. x 13 in.

76 mm x 330 mm

Round port requires a 90˚ elbow

to fit in the specified enclosure



sealed Design

Ported Design

enClosure sPeCIFICaTIons

noTe: The m10IB5 marine subwoofer is not

recommended for use in Ported enclosures.

This manual is related to the following products: