Scotch Brand 5.1.10 User Manual

Page 128

background image

This can also be done in a single piped command:

% echo cmplt 7 | gmap brol.grf - /tmp/

If compressed data handling is enabled, read the graph as a gzip compressed
file, and output the mapping as a bzip2 file, on the fly:

% echo cmplt 7 | gmap brol.grf.gz - /tmp/

• Partition source graph brol.grf into two uneven parts of respective weights






, and save the result to file /tmp/

% echo cmpltw 2 4 7 > /tmp/k2w.tgt
% gmap brol.grf /tmp/k2w.tgt /tmp/

This can also be done in a single piped command:

% echo cmpltw 2 4 7 | gmap brol.grf - /tmp/

If compressed data handling is enabled, use gzip compressed streams on the

% echo cmpltw 2 4 7 | gmap brol.grf.gz - /tmp/

• Map a 32 by 32 bidimensional grid source graph onto a 256-node hypercube,

and save the result to file /tmp/

% gmk m2 32 32 | gmap - tgt/h8.tgt /tmp/

• Build the Open Inventor file graph.iv that contains the display of a

source graph the source and geometry files of which are named graph.grf

% gout -Mn -Oi graph.grf - graph.iv

Although no mapping data is required because of the “-Mn” option, note the
presence of the dummy input mapping file name “-”, which is needed to
specify the output visualization file name.

• Given the source and geometry files graph.grf and of a source

graph, map the graph on a 8 by 8 bidimensional mesh and display the
mapping result on a color screen by means of the public-domain ghostview
PostScript previewer.

% gmap graph.grf tgt/m8x8.tgt | gout graph.grf

{c,f,l}’ | ghostview -

• Build a 24-node Cube-Connected-Cycles graph target architecture which will

be frequently used. Then, map compressed source file graph.grf.gz onto it,
and save the result to file /tmp/

% amk ccc 3 | acpl - /tmp/ccc3.tgt
% gunzip -c graph.grf.gz | gmap - /tmp/ccc3.tgt /tmp/

