Q r e w, W e r q – Saitek 311 User Manual

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1.5 …and Learn to Play!

Just as in a game played by four human
players, the bids made will have decided who
is to lead. The player with the highest bid is
declarer, and declarer's partner is dummy.
The player to the right of dummy leads the
first card, and play then continues in a
clockwise direction. The object is to win
tricks, and you must follow suit whenever
possible. Tricks are won by the highest card
of the suit that's been led, but cards from the
trump suit (if any) will outrank cards from any
other suit.

If it's your opening lead, will flash;
otherwise, the computer will lead. For
subsequent tricks, the first player is the
winner of the previous trick.

Once the first card is led, watch the display
for the following:

The suits and values appear in the
middle of the display, as the cards are
being played.

Dummy's hand is normally displayed at
the top half of the display, and your hand
is shown at the bottom. If South is
dummy, however, your hand as North will
be displayed at the top.

The Dummy Indicator appears under

, , or .

A symbol on the left-hand side of the

display (

q r e w

) will be underlined to

indicate the trump suit, if any. The
computer will play East and West, and it
will also play North (if North is not
declarer or dummy). If North is declarer
or dummy, you'll play both North and

Whenever it's your turn, you'll see
flash (or if you're playing North). You'll
also choose the cards for dummy. On your
turn, Line 1 of the display will show your

available suits (e.g.,

w e r q

), the current

player (e.g.,

S for South), and the

vulnerability, if any. Note that, if only one suit
or value is valid for that play, it will be played
for you automatically. After you have selected
the suit using one of the methods described
below, the display will show your available
cards in that suit (e.g.,

AQ943). Play a card

by using the Direct Keys or the Cursor Keys,
just as you did during the bidding phase:

Direct Key Method: Press a Suit Key


q r e w

), then a Value Key (

2 to A), in

that order. Then, press ENTER.

Cursor Key Method: Press





move the flashing cursor along the
characters in Line 1 of the display, until
you reach your desired suit symbol.
Next, press


to copy that suit symbol

to Line 2 of the display. Line 1 now
changes to show your available cards for
that particular suit. Press





move the flashing cursor until you reach
your desired card. Again, press



copy that value to Line 2, and then press

If all the other cards have not yet been
played when you enter your card, the
computer will continue to play. Once the trick
has been won, Line 2 will show the contract,
along with the number of tricks won so far by

North/South and East/West (e.g.,




4 EW 2).










If you change your mind after entering
a suit or value (but before pressing
ENTER), press the


key to cancel

and start over.

When only a single suit or value is
valid, it is automatically selected and
moved down to Line 2.

When only one card is left to play in
the final round, the computer will
automatically play that card for you.

Attempting to enter an invalid suit or
value will result in an error beep.

If all parties pass,

All pass will be

displayed, along with a

0 result. If

this happens, return to the Deal Menu
for a new hand by pressing ESCAPE.

Press ESCAPE during bidding or play
to terminate your current hand and
return to the Deal Menu.

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