Kits, Flexible track, Flexible tr ac k kits – Satco Products R30 Soft Square User Manual

Page 13

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flexible track


K i t s I n c l u d e A l l M o u n t i n g H a r d w a r e & H a l o g e n L a m p s

Direct wire transformers

Por table transformers

Centered end feed installation

Transformer can be placed at

either end of the track

Side end feed installation

Transformer can be placed at

either end of the track

Floating feed–thru installation

Transformer can be placed

anywhere on the track

Internal view


irect wire


Portable transformer units shown in

metallic silver and transparent

Track power feed connector

can be positioned anywhere

on the track


0” Coiled cord supplies

12 Volt power to track

Portable transformer

can be used wall hung,
table top or on the floor

Built in On/Off

rocker switch

Power Feed

can be positioned

at 90° or 180°

for desired

track direction

6’ Power supply cord

plugs into any standard

wall outlet




5 1/2”

2 1/4”

A l l t r a n s fo r m e r s r a t e d a t 1 0 5 Wa t t s m a x i mu m .

flexible tr


k kits


flexible track


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