Cancel navigation, Routing options – Lowrance electronic IWAY 500C User Manual

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on your road trip (maybe Albuquerque, Las Vegas, Denver), in the or-
der you want to visit them. Once you’ve got all your major stops en-
tered, in order, have the iWAY start navigating. It will give you direc-
tions to your friend's house, so go pick him up, and then head for the
road. The iWAY will guide you every step of the way.

If you want to rearrange the order of the waypoints in the list, you can
use the up and down arrows on the screen to move the selected way-
point higher or lower in the list.

You can also have the iWAY generate a route for you among several
locations, even if you don't know which order you want to go in. Simply
enter all of the destinations in any order, then choose




The iWAY will try to reorganize the list of locations to make the short-
est possible route among all of them. This can be useful if you're on a
business trip and need to visit several clients at different locations. Put
in all their addresses, choose



, and then let the iWAY pick the

shortest path that will get you everywhere you need to go.

Cancel Navigation

When the iWAY notices that you've reached your destination, it will
display a pop-up window asking if you want to cancel navigation to
your destination. Choose



to stop receiving navigation instructions

to that location.

You can also cancel navigation to a destination at any time using the
Cancel Navigation command. From the Map Menu, choose





. Again the iWAY will display a pop-up window to confirm

your choice. Choose



and the iWAY will stop generating navigation

instructions to the current destination.


If you’re navigating a route with multiple via waypoints, when you
choose Cancel Navigation the iWAY will ask you whether you want
to cancel navigation of the entire route, or just cancel navigation to
the current waypoint and continue on to the next waypoint in the

Routing Options

Routing Options are used to control exactly how the iWAY generates a
route from your current position to a selected destination. To access
these options, from the Map Menu choose Routing Options. A screen
like the one in the following image will appear.
