Nextar MA99T User Manual

Page 28

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Upgrades for firmware are for improvement and optimization of the performance of ...

the player. It could impact normal operation if you fail to upgrade firmware.

Upgrading the firmware could cause the player to function incorrectly if not done .....

properly. Please read the instructions before you begin. This operation is meant for .

people who have some computer experience.

Upgrade software for this player is not suited for other series of players.

13. MIScellAneouS SeTTIngS

Choosing different directories (stop submenu)
In order to play and manage sorted files, users can put files into directories (directories

need to be created beforehand). This player supports ninety-nine one-level subdirectories

Attention: Directories within a mode are independent of the other modes’ directories. They may be

given the same name and same settings as directories in other modes, but they will not intersect or

otherwise correspond.
