TC electronic SDN BHD System 6000 User Manual

The pro for your tools

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T C E L E C T R O N I C A / S S I N D A L S V E J 3 4 8 2 4 0 R I S S K O V D E N M A R K P H O N E : + 4 5 8 7 4 2 7 0 0 0 F A X : + 4 5 8 7 4 2 7 0 1 0

T C E L E C T R O N I C I N C 7 4 2 - A H A M P S H I R E R O A D W E S T L A K E V I L L A G E C A 9 1 3 6 1 U S A P H O N E : ( 8 0 5 ) 3 7 3 1 8 2 8 F A X : ( 8 0 5 ) 3 7 9 2 6 4 8

W W W. T C E L E C T R O N I C . C O M

System6000 Users

17 Grand Recording

20th Century Fox

5.1 Entertainment

Advanced Audio

Air Studios, UK

Al Schmitt

Andre Gauthier (Pilot Music)

B&K Productions

Battery Mastering

BBC Resources

Bernie Becker



Blink Music

Blue Rock Editorial

Bob Ludwig (Gateway Mastering)

Brant Biles (Mi Casa Studios)

Brian Tankersly

Brooklyn Recording

Bruce Botnick

CBC Records

Chuck Ainlay

Clair Bros.


Sounds Inc.

Clear Light

Cliff Schwartz Music

Crest National Video

Danny & Tommy Vicari

David Frangioni (Audio One)

David Tickle

De Lane Lea, UK

Design FX

Diginote Studios

Digital Edit Services


Music Technologies

Dolby Labs

FM Productions

Future Disc

George Massenburg

Grand Central Studios, UK

Howard Schwartz

Kampo Audio Video

Ken Margolis Productions

LA Effects

Loud Studios


Metropolis, UK

Michael Wagener


Nathaniel Kunkel

Pacific Ocean Post

Pharoah Editorial

Photomag Studios

Pomann Sound

Precision Mastering

Richard Fairbanks

Rock Villa

Ross Pallone

Rudy Perez (Bullseye)

San Francisco Symphony

Scott Fafrak


Sony Music

Sony Pictures

Sound Chamber

Sound Matters

Sound One


Steve Porcaro

Steve Power, (Robbie Williams)

Stubblebine Mastering

Studio C

Sync Sound

Ted Curtis

The Body Inc

The Mouse


Univibe Studios

Video Post & Transfer

Warner Bros.

Willy Chirino (Zarabanda Studios)

Worldlink Digital



and more... just visit

System 6000 has been designed to bring unquestionable processing quality to

your film or music project, whether you're working with a large scale console or a

digital audio workstation. Read on to learn more about how System 6000 can be

customized to become the production and mastering toolbox you've always wanted.

May ’04. Item No: 61


The Pro for your Tools

Your workstation may be perfect for editing, mixing and

synchronizing audio, video and MIDI. But what about the final

touch, the elements that turn good into great - the creation of a

real masterpiece?

System 6000 is a dedicated system, designed specifically to put

the finishing touches on your sound. Whether you're mixing

music, designing sound effects for feature films or mastering the

latest high resolution DVD, System 6000 is your guarantee.

TC Electronic has invested over 30 man-years in research and

development to bring you the tools you need. System 6000

brings you dedicated tools which provide the highest audio

quality, with the lowest production time and the opportunity to

turn every piece into a masterpiece.

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