Whistler 1630 User Manual

Page 2

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When visor mounting, make sure your unit is relatively
level and has a clear view of the road ahead.

Power Connection
Plug the small end of the power cord into the
unit’s power jack, then plug the large end of the
cord into your vehicle’s lighter socket. Make
sure the plug fits snugly, and be sure to keep the
socket and contacts free of ashes and dirt.

Windshield Mounting

With the windshield mounting kit your Whis-
tler detector can be mounted to your vehicle’s
windshield. First, install the two suction cups
and rubber bumper onto the bracket by fitting
them into their holes. Now, press the suction
cups onto the windshield glass at the location
you have chosen. Slide the detector onto the
bracket until it locks into place. If necessary,
you may adjust the bracket to the proper angle
by bending it. Remove detector before bend-
ing bracket. To remove the bracket, pull the
tab on each suction cup.

To make the unit level, you can easily adjust the angle of the
windshield bracket by bending it.

Fuse Replacement
The lighter socket plug is equipped with a
replaceable 2 amp 3AG fuse located be-
hind the silver tip. To replace the fuse,
carefully unscrew the tip of the plug. (Im-
portant note: Unscrew slowly. The tip con-
tains a spring which may fly out when disas-
sembling.) Insert the new fuse with spring
and screw the tip on. With use, screwcap on
plug may loosen. Retighten occasionally.

Unscrew the tip of the lighter socket plug carefully when
replacing the 2 amp fuse.

The following accessories are available through
Whistler retailers or can be ordered directly
from Whistler by calling 1-800-531-0004.





Visor Bracket



Windshield Bracket



Straight Power Cord (5')



Coiled Power Cord (7')



Hook & Loop

$ 1.95


Hardwire Kit (10')

$ 9.95

Shipping and Handling (Per Order)

$ 3.00

Massachusetts residents please add applicable sales tax.
Prices are subject to change without notice.













Radar Facts
Very simply, a radar gun operates by transmit-
ting radio waves at certain frequencies which
reflect off objects and are then picked up by
the radar gun’s receiving section.
When a radar beam reflects off a moving target,
such as your vehicle, a measurable frequency
shift occurs. The radar unit converts this shift into
miles per hour to determine your vehicle’s speed.
Currently, the FCC (Federal Communications
Commission) permits operation of traffic radar
guns at these frequencies:

X band (10.500 GHz - 10.550 GHz)
K band (24.050 GHz - 24.250 GHz)
Ka band (33.400 GHz - 36.000 GHz)

Laser Facts
It’s well documented that many radar guns
cannot reliably provide the speed of a tar-
geted vehicle that is traveling in a group of
vehicles. In contrast, a laser gun can target a
specific vehicle out of a line of traffic and
determine its speed.
The advantage of laser over radar in terms of
target identification is the result of the laser
gun’s narrow beam. A radar transmission can
cover more than a four-lane highway at a
distance of 1,000 feet, compared with a laser
transmission which covers about 6 feet at the
same distance. This is one reason why laser is
more difficult to detect than radar.





Are Detectors Legal?
Laser detectors are completely legal in every
state when used in automobiles or light trucks
(under 10,000 lbs.). Similarly, when used in
automobiles or light trucks, radar detectors
are legal in almost every state. Exceptions are
Virginia and Washington D.C., which have
local regulations restricting the use of radar
receivers in any vehicle.
Concerning trucks over 10,000 lbs., the Fed-
eral Highway Administration (FHwA) issued a
regulation, effective January, 1994 which pro-
hibits radar and laser detector use in these
types of vehicles nationally.

Prior to the FHwA regulation, laws existed in the
state of New York restricting the use of radar
detectors in trucks over 18,000 lbs. and in Illinois
in trucks over 26,000 lbs.



Consumer Warranty
Your Whistler detector is warranted to the origi-
nal purchaser for a period of one year from the
date of original purchase against all defects in
materials and workmanship. This limited war-
ranty is void if the unit is abused, modified,
installed improperly, if the housing has been
removed, or if the serial number is missing.
There are no express warranties covering this
product other than those set forth in this war-
ranty. All express or implied warranties for this
product are limited to one year. Whistler is not
liable for damages of any type arising from the
use, misuse, or operation of this product.

Service Under Warranty
During the warranty period, defective units will
be repaired or replaced (with the same or a
comparable model), at Whistler’s option, with-
out charge to the purchaser when returned
prepaid, with dated proof of purchase to the
address on pg. 23. Units returned without dated
proof of purchase will be handled as described
in the section “Service Out Of Warranty.” Due
to the specialized equipment necessary for test-
ing a radar/laser receiver, there are no autho-
rized service stations for Whistler brand detec-
tors other than the factory.



When returning a unit for service under war-
ranty, please follow these instructions:
1. Ship the unit in original carton or in a suitable

sturdy equivalent, fully insured, with return
receipt requested, and shipping charges
prepaid to:

Whistler Repair Dept.

16 Elizabeth Drive

Chelmsford, MA 01824

IMPORTANT: Whistler will not assume responsi-
bility for loss or damage incurred in shipping.
Therefore, please ship your unit insured with
return receipt requested.
2. Include with your unit the following informa-

tion, clearly printed:
Your name and street address (for shipping
via UPS), and a daytime telephone number.
(No P.O. Box please.)
A detailed description of the problem (e.g.,
“Unit performs self-test but does not respond
to radar”).
A copy of your dated proof of purchase or
bill of sale.

3. Be certain your unit is returned with its serial

number. For reference, we recommend keep-
ing a record of your unit’s serial number. Units
without serial numbers are not covered under



IMPORTANT: To validate that your unit is
within the warranty period, make sure you
keep a copy of your dated proof of purchase.

Service Out Of Warranty
Units will be repaired at “out of warranty”
service rates when:
• The unit’s original warranty has expired.
• Dated proof of purchase is not supplied.
• The unit has been returned without its serial


• The unit has been abused, modified, installed

improperly, or had its housing removed.

The minimum out of warranty service fee for
your Whistler detector is $45.00 (U.S.). If you
require out of warranty service, please return
your unit as outlined in the section “Service
Under Warranty” along with a certified check
or money order for $45.00. (Payment may also
be made by MasterCard or Visa; personal
checks are not accepted.) In the event repairs
cannot be covered by the minimum $45.00
service fee, you will be contacted by a Whistler
technical service specialist who will outline
options available to you. If you elect not to
have your unit repaired/replaced, it will be
returned to you and your money refunded.
IMPORTANT: When returning your unit for
service, be certain to include a daytime tele-
phone number.




For best protection keep these additional sug-
gestions in mind:
• Because your vehicle’s license plate or head-

lights are the laser gun’s primary targets,
mounting your Whistler detector on the dash
can improve laser detection at short range.

• Do not follow closely behind any vehicle you

cannot see through. If you can’t see past a
vehicle ahead of you, chances are your de-
tector won’t either.

• The receiving range of your laser detector will

not be the same as a radar detector. Laser
guns are most often used at short range.

Other Speed Detection Systems
Several techniques other than radar or laser are
used to measure vehicle speeds. When these
methods are being used, no detector can pro-
vide a warning. These techniques include:
• Pacing - A patrol car drives behind you and

matches your driving speed.

• Vascar/Aircraft - The time it takes a vehicle to

travel a known distance is measured.

Radar Detector Detectors
The Interceptor VG-2, or simply VG-2, is a
microwave receiver used by police to detect
signals radiated by the local oscillator of a
radar detector. Because its purpose is to iden-
tify persons driving with radar detectors, the
VG-2 is known as a “radar detector detector”.
The VG-2 is the primary tool used by the
police to identify radar detector equipped
vehicles. If caught, drivers in Virginia, Wash-
ington D.C. and Western Canada and all
truck drivers risk losing their radar detector
and receiving a fine. In addition, instant-on
radar is almost always used in combination
with the VG-2, leaving unsuspecting motor-
ists vulnerable to receiving two tickets – one
potentially for speeding, the other for pos-
session of a detector.
Having a radar detector capable of detecting
the VG-2 alerts you to the presence of a speed
trap and preserves your radar detector invest-





If your unit has been correctly installed follow-
ing the guidelines in this manual, but is not
operating optimally, please refer to this chart:



No display or

• Check fuse in Whistler

plug; replace if

• Check fuse for lighter

socket; replace if

• Make sure lighter

socket is clean and
fully operational.

• Check for loose lighter

socket; tighten and
clean socket.

• Check connections at

both ends of power
cord.Substitute another
cord to determine if cord
is defective. Return de-
fective cord to factory.

Unit alarms when

vehicle hits




• Check vehicle's

electrical system,
including battery and

• Install a filter capacitor



fd. 25 volt or

larger capacitance
value) on the back of
the lighter socket.

Unit alarms when
using vehicle
equipment or
electrical accesso-
ries (brakes, power
directionals, horn,

• Cancel Pre-set Audio-

Quiet. (see pg. 6).

• Check PWR/VOL

control setting.

Audio alerts are
not loud enough.

Your Whistler detector is expertly engineered
and designed to exacting quality standards to
provide you with reliable, trouble-free opera-
tion. If difficulties occur which cannot be
solved by information provided in this Trouble-
shooting Guide, please call Whistler Consumer
Relations at 1-800-531-0004 before returning
your unit for service or contact us via e-mail:
[email protected].

Consumer Relations
If you have questions concerning the opera-
tion of your Whistler detector, or service dur-
ing or after the warranty period, please call
Consumer Relations at 1-800-531-0004. Rep-
resentatives are available to answer your ques-
tions Monday- Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. (EST), or you may e-mail questions to us
at [email protected]. Please allow 3-5
days for e-mail response.

Slide on visor

Insert into bracket
mounting slot

Dash Mounting
Make sure the mounting location you have
chosen is clean and dry. Clean with isopropyl
alcohol if necessary to remove any waxes or
Separate the hook & loop fastener strips. Peel the
backing off each strip, adhere one piece to the
dash and the other piece to the bottom of the unit,
taking care not to cover the serial number.

Be careful not to place the strip over the unit’s serial
number. If the strip is removed, the serial number may
be pulled off the unit. Units without serial numbers are
not covered under warranty.

When joined, the two strips provide a secure
mount, yet the unit can be easily removed for
safekeeping when not in use. Once mounted, your
unit is ready to be connected to the power cord.

Visor Mounting (optional accessory)
Place the bracket into the bracket mounting slot
of the detector. To install your detector on the
visor, slide bracket clip over the rear edge of the
visor as shown in the illustration.

Serial Number

This manual is related to the following products: