Festool LS 130 Kit User Manual

Page 7

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1 Intended


The LS 130 self-assembly kit is designed
specifically for making profile sanding
moulds for use with Duplex LS 130 EQ li-
near sanders.

2 Safety


Please observe the safety instruc-

tions included with the machine
when using the Duplex LS 130 EQ
linear sander.


Scope of delivery (fi g. 1)

(1.1) 1


profi le sanding mould blank

(1.2) 2


self-adhesive velcro strips (red)

(1.3) 2 x velcro strips (black)
(1.4) 1 x tube of contact adhesive
(1.5) 1 x Brilliant P 60 sandpaper
(1.6) 1 x Brilliant P 120 sandpaper
(1.7) 1 x operating instructions

4 Making

profi le sanding moulds

(fi g. 2 - 9)

You will need a positive mould (2.1) of the
required profi le section in order to be able to
produce a profi le sanding mould. Attach the
velcro strip and sandpaper to this positive
mould and form the profi le as a negative
mould in the sanding mould blank.

Proceed as follows:
- Attach the self-adhesive velcro strip (2.2)

to the profi le section (2.1).


profi le section must be dry and

free of grease and dust!

- Attach Brilliant P 60 sandpaper (3.2) to

the self-adhesive velcro strip (3.1).

- Fasten the sanding mould blank (4.1) onto

the Duplex LS 130 EQ linear sander.

- Connect the Duplex LS 130 EQ linear

sander to an extractor and set rotational
speed setting to 6.

- Switch the Duplex LS 130 EQ linear sander

on. Using slight pressure, press the sanding
mould blank onto the sandpaper and grind
out the profi le section contour completely.

NB: Using a guide rail (5.1) makes grin-

ding the sanding mould blanks easier.

NB: The profi le section can be pre-sawn

with a hand saw to alleviate grinding the
sanding mould blank (fi g. 6).

- Attach the Brilliant P 120 sandpaper to

the self-adhesive velcro strip (3.1) and

fi nish-grind the profi le section contour.

- Coat the fi nished profi le section contour

(7.1) of the sanding mould blank and the
smooth side of the black velcro strip (7.2)
completely with contact adhesive. Allow
the adhesive to set for about 15 min.

- Glue the black velcro strip (8.1) onto the

profi le section contour (8.2) of the sanding
mould blank. Start at the side and press
the velcro strip exactly into the profi le
section contour.

The parts cannot be moved any

more after initial contact. The pres-
sing force, and not its duration, is
decisive for the strength of the glue

- Cut off fl ush any overlapping parts of the

velcro strip.

- Drill the extraction holes of the sanding

mould through the velcro strip (fi g. 9).

Festool StickFix abrasives can now be
attached to the fi nished profi le sanding
mould. Order numbers see Festool cata-
logue or Internet „www.festool.com“.

5 Instructions




Grinding radiuses larger than 6
mm (fi g. 10)

Only radiuses larger than 6 mm can be
manufactured using profi le sanding moulds
(see chapter 5.2 for smaller radiuses).
Optimum grinding of outer radiuses (e.g.
pipe radiators, slats) and inner radiuses can
also be achieved by slight swivelling of the
Duplex LS 130 EQ around the centre-point
of the profi le section.
NB: Create the necessary free space for
the swivel movement.
NB: With inner radiuses, make sure that tip
angle of the profi le sanding mould is smaller
than 90° (recommendation: 85°).


Grinding corners and radiuses
smaller than 6 mm (fi g. 11)

Corners and radiuses smaller than 6 mm are
ground with the standard surface sanding
mould (order no. 490161).
NB: Manufacturing sharp-edged corners
is not possible with wooden work-pieces.
Instead, we recommend rounding off the
edges slightly.
