Type of material, Status, Status options – EVS XEDIO Playout Organizer Version 4.1 - December 2011 User Manual User Manual

Page 14: Status filter activation

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Issue 4.1.B

Xedio Version 4.1 - User’s Manual – Xedio Playout Organizer

EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011






Media: provides a list of items corresponding to files as ingested or imported

into the Xedio suite environment, or created on an EVS Video Server, or to

virtual media created with Xedio Browse and published.

Edits are the edits created in CleanEdit.

Playlists is a collection of any of the above items which have already been

assembled into a playlist.



Status Options

The status can be viewed as a flag present on the material item. Items can be

filtered on three statuses in Playout Organizer:

Validated: this flag is set when the item is accepted in Xedio Approval.

Already in playlist: this flag relates to material that has already been placed

in a playlist.

Ready To Broadcast: this flag is set on edits that are R2B in CleanEdit.

Status Filter Activation

Each Status filter provides 3 states to be used within the search:



When the button is not pushed, the corresponding filter is

not active, and therefore not applied.

When the button is pushed, the filter is active. If the box

is not selected, the search will show items which do not

meet the chosen criterion.
In the example, the search will show the items not yet


When the button is pushed, the filter is active. If the box

is selected, the chosen criterion is taken into account.
In the example, the search will show the items already

