Require support – QTECH QCS 65 User Manual

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The decimal formula for PMS 185 is: 75.0 % Warm Red and 25.0 % Rubine. The first step is to
“remove” the decimal points from the formula, i.e. Warm Red = “750” and Rubine = “250”.
Next, key in ".5" (don’t forget the decimal) and press the UNIT W.T. key. Add Warm Red ink
onto your mixing surface until the QUANTITY window reads “750”. Press the T key. Add
Rubine Red ink until the QUANTITY window reads “250”. Remove the ink mixing surface from
the scale and mix. (NOTE: Place each additional color NEXT to the previous ink, not on top.
Should you add too much ink it will be easier to remove the excess without intermixing with the
other colors.)

There are a few formulas which call for a quantity of ink so small that the weight falls below the
scale’s sensitivity rating. An example would be PMS 113 whose formula calls for 12.4 (124)
Pantone Yellow; .4 (4) Pantone Warm Red, and 87.2 (872) Transparent White. The “problem”
in this formula is the Warm Red; the small amount of ink required will not register on the
scale’s display.

In these rare instances two different workarounds are available. The first approach requires
that you: A.) Start the mix with the largest quantity of ink in the formula and end with the least,
and, B.) Do not press the T (tare) key between ink additions. In the case of PMS 113,
Transparent White (872) would be first to be dispensed, followed by Yellow (124), and finally
Warm Red (4). Additionally, because you will not be taring out each individual ink weight, you
will need to calculate the accumulated subtotals in advance. In the case of PMS 113, the first
reading in the QUANTITY window will be “872”, followed by “996” (872 + 124), and finally
“1000” (872 + 124 + 4). Although the scale can not display extremely small weights, it has no
difficulty registering such a small quantity of ink when it is added to a larger weight already on
the scale

The second workaround utilizes a two-color “base ink” formulated at a 10-to-1 ratio. A small
amount of this special mix is prepared first and substituted for the formula color that falls below
the sensitivity threshold. Follow these steps for our PMS 113 example: Place your mixing
surface on the scale platter and depress the T key. All the display windows should display "0".
Key in “1” and press the UNIT W.T. key. Add Warm Red until the QUANTITY display reads
“10”. Press the T key. Add Pantone Transparent White until the QUANTITY window displays

Mix these two inks together. You have now created about a tenth of a pound of a base ink
which will be substituted for the Warm Red in the final formula. Since the base ink has been
formulated at a 10-to-1 ratio, you will need to use ten times as much ink as called for in the
original formula.

The revised formula for PMS 113 now is: Pantone Yellow = 124, Warm Red Base = 40, and
Transparent White = 872.

QTech Scales • 129 Cramer Road, Jewett, NY 12444 USA

1-800-831-4175 1-518-734-6514 • Fax: 518-734-6497

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