Searching for information, Getting help, Searching for information getting help – Asus P835 User Manual

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Getting Help

You can easily find Help for using any program on the device.
To get help for a program:
From the Today screen or program, tap

> Help. A page opens with links to topics that explain

how to use the program.

Searching for information

The Search tool enables you to search for files and other items stored in your device or in the external

microSD card. You can search by file name or by words located in various applications including the

Calendar, Contacts, Excel Mobile, Word Mobile, Help, Messages, Notes, and Tasks. You can also filter

your search to files larger than 64 KB.
To search for a file or an item:
1. Tap

> Programs > Search.

. In Search for field, enter the file name, word, or other information you want to search.
3. In Type field, select the data type to help you filter your search.
4. Tap Search. Found items are listed in Results.
5. In the Results list, tap the item with the information you need.
