Operation – Xylem P5002169B Series VSX VSH, VSC, AND VSCS User Manual

Page 20

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New and old systems should be flushed to
eliminate all foreign matter. Heavy scale, welding
splatter and wire or other large foreign matter can
clog the pump impeller. This will reduce the
capacity of the pump causing cavitation, excessive
vibration, and/or damage to close clearance parts
(wear rings, seals, sleeves, etc.).

Vents should be located at the highest point so
entrained gases and air can escape. However, if
the gases are flammable, toxic, or corrosive they
should be vented to an appropriate place to
prevent harm to personnel or other parts of the
system. Pipe hangers and anchors should be
checked to make sure they are properly set to take
the additional weight of the pumpage.

All drains should be closed when filling the
system. Filling should be done slowly so that
excessive velocities do not cause rotation of the
pumping elements that may cause damage to the
pump or its driver. The adequacy of the anchors
and hangers may be checked by mounting a dial
indicator off of any rigid structure not tied to the
piping and setting the indicator button on the pump
flange in the axial direction of the nozzle. If the
indicator moves, as the filling proceeds, the
anchors and supports are not adequate or set
properly and should be corrected.

If the pump is installed with a positive head on the
suction, it can be primed by opening the suction
valve and loosening the vent plug on top of the
casing (do not remove), allowing air to be purged
from the casing.

If the pump is installed with a suction lift, priming
must be done by other methods such as foot
valves, ejectors, or by manually filling the casing
and suction line.

CAUTION: Seal Damage Hazard

Do not run pump dry. Seal damage may occur.

Failure to follow these instructions could result in
serious property damage and/or moderate
personal injury.

While venting the air from the pump body, the
pump shaft should be rotated a few times by hand.


WARNING: Unexpected Startup Hazard

Disconnect and lockout power before servicing.

Failure to follow these instructions could result in
serious personal injury or death, or property

WARNING: Electrical Shock Hazard

Electrical connections to be made by a qualified
electrician in accordance with all applicable codes,
ordinances, and good practices.

Failure to follow these instructions could result in
serious personal injury or death, or property

Before the initial start of the pump, make the
following inspections:

1. Check the alignment between the pump and

motor. (See the Coupling Alignment section
for alignment requirements.)

2. Check all connections to the motor and

starting device with the wiring diagram. Check
voltage, phase, and frequency on the motor
nameplate with the line circuit.

3. Check the suction and discharge piping and

the pressure gauges for proper operation.

4. Turn the rotating element by hand to ensure

that it rotates freely.

5. Check the stuffing box adjustment, lubrication,

and piping (packing seal only).

6. Check the driver lubrication. Refer to the

driver installation, operation, and maintenance

7. Ensure that the pump bearings are properly

lubricated. See the Pump Bearings
paragraphs in the Lubrication section.

8. Ensure that the coupling is properly lubricated,

if required. See the Couplings paragraph in
the Lubrication section.

9. Ensure that the pump is full of liquid and that

all valves are properly set and operational,
with the discharge valve closed and the
suction valve fully open. Purge all air from the
top of the casing.
