Cashco 1000 Cryogenic User Manual

Page 4

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8. Place the pusher plate stud (13) in a sepa rate

vise, gripping the stud (13) on the hex ago nal
cast-in-place edges located on the un der-
neath side of the pusher plate stud. NOTE:
Do not remove the stud nut (10), stud collar
(16) and the location lock ing cotter pin (15).
Loosen and remove nut (11).

9. Remove pressure plate (3) by lifting.

10. Pry loose pusher plate and stud (13) from

diaphragm(s) (20) or from pusher plate gas-
ket (12). Remove the diaphragm(s) (20).

11. Remove pusher plate gasket (12) from push er

plate and stud (13).

12. Clean gasket sealing surface of pusher plate

and stud (13) thoroughly.

13. Install new pusher plate gasket (12), if re-

quired, over pusher plate and stud (13).

14. Install new diaphragm(s) (20) over pusher

plate and stud (13). NOTE: Refer to the quan-
tity of diaphragms (20) incorporated per the
bill of materials listing. Depending on outlet
pressure level, various quantities of metal
diaphragms will be "stacked"

3. If desired, gaskets may be oiled, or coated

with gasket sealant or thread sealing com-
pound, pro vid ed the sealant is compatible
with the fl uid. (See below for "oxygen cleaned"

4. Valves originally supplied as "oxygen

cleaned" (Options 1000-55, 1000-5 or 1000-
36) are as sem bled using special gasket
sealant, Fluorolube GR-362


, or equivalent.

Cashco, Inc. recommends following fac to ry
cleaning spec ifi cation #S-1134, or equiv a lent.
Con tact factory for details.




1. Securely install the body (1) in a vise with the

spring chamber (2) directed upwards.

2. Relax range spring (27) by turning ad just ing

screw (6) CCW until removed from spring
chamber (2).

3. Paint or embed a match mark between body

casting (1) and spring chamber cast ing (2)
along fl anged area.

4. Remove all diaphragm nuts (9) and bolts (8).

Remove nameplate (28).

5. Remove spring chamber (2), range spring

(27) and spring button (4).

NOTE: The text hereafter will refer to "pusher plate and

stud (13)" as a single part, which it is for SST trim.
Brass trim uses a separate "push er plate (5)" and a
"pusher plate stud (13)", both of which are peened
together at initial as sem bly.

6. Pry up the diaphragm(s) (20) and diaph ragm

gasket (19) around the perimeter of the body
(1) diaphragm fl ange to ensure that the
diaphragm(s) (20) are not "stick ing".

7. Remove the diaphragm sub-assembly by

slid ing the pusher plate and stud (13) and
nut (11) in the direction of the regulator's
inlet, approximately 1/2"-3/4". The pusher
plate and stud (13), stud nut (10), and stud
collar (16) should disengage with the rocker
arm (14) slot. Lift vertically for the diaphragm
sub-assembly removal.

Diaphragm sub-assembly consists of items (10), (11), (12),
(13), (15), (16) and (20).
