Ownership of symbolic links, Cannot be changed. see, Ownership of – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual

Page 77: Symbolic links

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OSS File Synchronization

HP AutoSYNC User’s Guide522580-018


Ownership of Symbolic Links

If the user is not SUPER.SUPER (255,255), WRITE access is granted for the
destination file. AutoSYNC applies the equivalent of Guardian purge security rules
to OSS WRITE security.

If the user is SUPER.SUPER (255,255), WRITE security is not upgraded and
remains the same as the source file security setting because the SUPER.SUPER
user always has the required WRITE access.

You may use the SECURE option to override the default security setting.

The SECURE option for OSS files specifies read, write and execute access, for the
user (owner of the file or directory), the group and others: “rwxrwxrwx”. The complete
security string must be entered. The accepted values are:

“r” grants read access

“w” grants write access

“x” grants execute access

“-” denies access for read, write, and execute settings.

Ownership of synchronized symbolic links is a special case. By default, the owner of a
synchronized symbolic link is always the syncuser and not the owner of the source
symbolic link or the OWNER specified in the


command option.

Likewise, the group ID of synchronized symbolic links is, by default, the group ID of the
user and not the group ID of the source symbolic link or the group ID specified in the


command OWNERGROUP option.

You can change this behavior as described below.

Ownership of Symbolic Links

To set the owner of a synchronized symbolic link to a user different than the user
performing the synchronization, or to set the owner to the user ID specified through the
OWNER or OWNERGROUP option, the following requirements apply:

the user must be SUPER.SUPER (255,255)

SUPER.SUPER must switch to the user ID who owns the source symbolic link or
to the user ID specified with the OWNER option, in order to allow AutoSYNC to
create the link on the destination.

To make the destination ASYSYNC, or ASYSYNCP if synchronizing over TCP/IP, a
privileged process, perform the following steps on the destination system after the files
have been moved to the AUTOSYNC subvolume:

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