Starting and stopping the cim server, Configuring openpegasus on a server, Enabling authentication – HP StoreFabric Converged Network Adapters User Manual

Page 23

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Installing the management application 23

Starting and stopping the CIM Server

To start CIM Server, run cimserver from a command prompt.
To stop the CIM Server, run cimserver –s from a command prompt.
Check if OpenPegasus is installed properly:

cimcli ei -n root/PG_Interop PG_ProviderModule

If the OpenPegasus installation is compiled from source, open the PEGASUS_HOME directory to start CIM

Server, or CIM Server does not load the repository properly. For ease of use, set PEGASUS_HOME in the

.bash_profile file.

Configuring OpenPegasus on a server

To configure OpenPegasus, first start CIM Server. Enter cimserver at the command prompt.
Use the following cimconfig commands and switches.



cimconfig -l

List all valid property names

cimconfig -l -c

List all valid property names and values

cimconfig -g <property name> Query a particular property
cimconfig -s <property

name>=<value> -p

Set a particular property

cimconfig --help

Find out more about the command

Stop and restart the CIM Server for the configuration changes to take effect.
For more information, see "Starting and stopping the CIM Server (on page



Enabling authentication

Before BACS launches, set the OpenPegasus properties to be sure that the Broadcom CIM Provider is

configured correctly.
To set the OpenPegasus properties:


If CIM Server is not started, start CIM Server.
For more information, see "Starting and stopping the CIM Server (on page




Run the following commands:
cimconfig -s enableAuthentication=true -p
cimconfig -s enableNamespaceAuthorization=false -p
cimconfig -s httpAuthType=Basic -p

cimconfig -s passwordFilePath=cimserver.passwd -p
cimconfig -s forceProviderProcesses=false -p


To connect the root user remotely, run the following command:
cimconfig -s enableRemotePrivilegedUserAccess=true -p


Because OpenPegasus authentication uses Linux system users, add the users to OpenPegasus:
cimuser -a -u <username> -w <password>
