License key list – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

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License Key list



The name of the product and icon indicating whether this is available.

Product Name

: Installed

: Not Installed

The license type:

Key Type






Not Installed (when no license key is installed)

The column shows the following information:

Permitted Volumes

Unlimited: The capacity is unlimited

Unlimited (xx.xxTB) : The capacity is unlimited and xx.xx indicates the used license


TB: XX indicates the licensed capacity.


TB(xx.xxTB) : XX indicates the licensed capacity and xx.xx indicates the used license


XXTB+ZZTB:XX indicates the permanent licensed capacity of the software application, and
ZZ indicates the meter licensed capacity.

XXTB(YY TB) +ZZ TB: XX indicates the permanent licensed capacity of the software application,
ZZ indicates the meter licensed capacity, and YY indicates the minimum licensed capacity.

For example, if this column displays 10 TB (0.52 TB), the licensed capacity is 10 TB and the
used license capacity is 0.52 TB.

The used license capacity is the capacity used by the software application.

Licensed capacities are calculated assuming that 1 KB = 1,024 bytes, 1 MB = 1,024 KB, 1 GB
= 1,024 MB, and 1 TB = 1,024 GB.

The number of days remaining before the expiration of a temporary key, an emergency key,
or a term key. After the temporary key has expired, the column shows the number of days that
remain before you can reinstall the temporary key.

Term (days)

For the meter key, the presumed number of days before the licensed capacity becomes insufficient
is displayed.

The current status of a software:


Installed: The software is available.

Installed (Disabled) : Installation is complete, but the license is set to disabled. This status
might appear if an error occurs after you install software(s). Resolve the error and enable
the license. This status also appears when the license key of this software is installed but the
license key of the prerequisite software is expired.

Not Installed: The software is not installed.

Not Enough License: Installation is complete, but the license capacity is insufficient. Not
Enough License
might remain displayed when the licensed capacity exceeds the mounted
capacity after you reduce the number of LDEVs, or when the licensed capacity exceeds the
used capacity after you delete pairs or pools. In these cases, you can refresh the license
status by using the Available button.

Grace Period: The licensed capacity is insufficient because LDEVs are added, or pairs have
been created by a software. Also, for a meter key, licensed capacity also becomes insufficient
if licensed capacity is consumed and becomes smaller than the used amount. The license
expires in 30 days. Please purchase the licenses before the license key expires. Grace Period
might remain displayed when the licensed capacity exceeds the mounted capacity after you
reduce the number of LDEVs, or when the licensed capacity exceeds the used capacity after

License Key window 207

This manual is related to the following products: