Setup key management server window – HP StorageWorks XP Data Integrity Check XP Software User Manual

Page 36

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Setup Key Management Server window

The following figure shows the Setup Key Management Server window.

The following table lists descriptions of the items in the Setup Key Management Server window of
the Setup Key Management Server wizard.



Select whether to use the key management server:

Key Management Server

Enable: (default) key management server is used.

Disable: key management server is not used.

The host name of the key management server:

Host Name

Identifier: Type the identifier of the host.

IPv4: Type the IPv4 address of the host.

IPv6: Type the IPv6 address of the host.

The port number of the key management server.

Port Number

Values: 1 to 65535

Default: 5696

The time until the connection attempt to the key management server times

Timeout (sec.)

Values: 1 to 120

Default: 10

The interval to retry the connection to the key management server.

Retry Interval (sec.)

Values: 1 to 60

Default: 1

The number of times to retry the connection to the key management server.

Number of Retries

Values: 1 to 50

Default: 3

Shows the name of the client certificate file. Click Browse and select the
client certificate file to connect to the key management server.

Client Certificate File Name

Shows a list of the client certificate file from which you can choose.


For more information about the client certificate file, contact the server or
network administrator.

The password for the client certificate.


Character limits: 0 to 128

Valid characters:

Numbers (0 to 9)

Upper case (A-Z)

Lower case (a-z)

Symbols: ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

Type the password again for confirmation.

Re-enter Password

Displays the name of the selected file. Select the root certificate file for
connecting to the key management server. Click Browse and select the file.

Root Certificate File Name

Select the root certificate file. The form of the client certificate is X.509.



DKA Encryption GUI Reference

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