Group lists – AT&T Classic Mail Voice Messaging System User Manual

Page 39

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Group Lists

To send a message to a group, you first have to create a

group list. A group list can be as big as all the mailboxes

in your system (this group list is already setup for you by

the CLASSIC MAIL system) or as few as two. When you

create a group list, you assign and record a name such as

“Managers” and the system assigns a number from 802 to

805 (801 is automatically and permanently assigned to

the all-mailboxes group list) to the list. Then you “enroll”

the mailbox number of everyone you want included.

When have finished creating the list, you can review the


To create and review a group list:

1. Open your mailbox.

2. To change mailbox settings

p r e s s


CLASSIC MAIL System Mailbox User Guide
