Setcrstatus(value), Setresults(value), Sendstrcmd() – MagTek JMTMacMS Applet User Manual

Page 10: Setallcarddata(value), Setcrstatus( value ), Setresults( value ), Setallcarddata( value )

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JMTMacMS Applet Programmer’s Guide



JMTMacMS Applet calls this function to send the host status of HID reader. If reader is

connected, the status is “Reader Connected”, otherwise, the status is “Reader Disconnected”.


JMTMacMS Applet provides function SendStrCmd() to send a command value to the HID

reader. JMTMacMS Applet uses SetResults() to send to host the results JMTMacMS receives
from the HID reader.


This function is JMTMacMS Applet function. It takes a string parameter as command

value for reader to process.


When this function is called by JMTMacMS Applet, it receives all Card Data in one single

string. Individual data is separated by the character “|” .

Card data are arranged in the following order:

1. PAN
2. First Name
3. Last Name
4. Month
5. Year
6. Track 1 Length
7. Track 2 Length
8. Track 3 Length
9. Track 1 Masked Length
10. Track 2 Masked Length
11. Track 3 Masked Length
12. Track 1 Data
13. Track 2 Data
14. Track 3 Data
15. Track 1 Masked Data
16. Track 2 Masked Data
17. Track 3 Masked Data
18. MagnePrint Status
19. MagnePrint Data
20. MagnePrint Length
21. Device Serial Number
