2 receiving a file, Receiving a file – Campbell Scientific Java PakBus Software Development Kit User Manual

Page 21

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Java PakBus® Software Development Kit


// the file sent will be the source file for this program
new SendFileTran(
new FileInputStream("Example.java"),

// now drive the network
int active_links = 0;
complete = false;
while(!complete || active_links > 0)
active_links = network.check_state();

public boolean on_progress(
SendFileTran transaction,
int bytes_to_send,
int bytes_sent)
{ return true; }

public void on_complete(
SendFileTran transaction,
int outcome) throws Exception
if(outcome == SendFileTran.outcome_success)
System.out.println("send file succeeded");
System.out.println("send file failed");
complete = true;

6.2 Receiving a File

A file can be retrieved from one of the datalogger file systems using the

GetFileTran class. This class starts a file receive transaction with the

datalogger and delivers fragments of the file to the application as they are

received using

GetFileClient.on_fragment(com.campbellsci.pakbus.GetFileTran, byte[]).

The following example demonstrates this process:

import com.campbellsci.pakbus.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;

class Example6_2 implements GetFileClient
private Network network;
private Socket socket;
private boolean complete;
private Datalogger my_cr1000;
private OutputStream output;

