3 argosdatarepeat, 1 result code, 2 repetition rate – Campbell Scientific ST-21 Argos Satellite Transmitter User Manual

Page 11: 3 number repeats, 4 buffer number, 4 argostransmit, 2 buffer number, Argosdatarepeat, Result code, Repetition rate

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ST-21 Argos Satellite Transmitter

2.3 ArgosDataRepeat

Dim BufferNumber(8) as Boolean
ArgosDataRepeat(Result Code, Repetition Rate, Number Repeats,

2.3.1 Result Code

The Result Code is a numeric variable that is set true (-1) when the
ArgosDataRepeat instruction is successful.

2.3.2 Repetition Rate

The Repetition Rate will set the time between each repetition. A negative
number will cause the default repetition rate to be used. Using a value between
0 and 255 will set the repetition rate to the new value plus 42 seconds. The
ST-21 adds 42 seconds to the repeat rate with the maximum being 297.

2.3.3 Number Repeats

Number Repeats is how many times the transmission will be repeated. Valid 0
to 255.

2.3.4 Buffer Number

BufferNumber() is an eight element array of Boolean. Each element of
BufferNumber corresponds to the same buffer number -1 in the ST-21. Set the
corresponding element to true to use a buffer, or false to not use the buffer.
Data can be in a buffer that is set to false.

The ArgosDataRepeat instruction is most useful when only using 1 ID number
because time between each buffer transmission is the rep rate. When using
several ID numbers for each platform, the ArgosTransmit instruction allows
the datalogger to control the timing of each transmission.

If a buffer is set to transmit, but the buffer has not been setup with valid
parameters, ArgosDataRepeat will fail.

2.4 ArgosTransmit

Usage: ArgosTransmit(Result Code, Buffer Number)

2.4.1 Result Code

The Result Code is a numeric variable that is set true (-1) when the
ArgosTransmit instruction is successful.

2.4.2 Buffer Number

The Buffer Number designates which ST-21 buffer is transmitted. Valid
entries are 0 through 7.

