Disney Interactive Studios Meet the Robinsons: Robinson Industries for Nintendo DS User Manual

Page 10

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Meatball Gun

Hate meatballs? Shoot them at your

enemy! These meatballs make a cool

SPLAT when they strike your opponent

but have no effect on them. Warning: Some

enemies actually LIKE getting hit by meatballs!

The Robinson Sneakers

Keep moving forward…super fast! Enjoy a burst of

speed with the Robinson Sneakers.

Drill Shoes

Want peace and quiet? Need a rest? Use the Drill

Shoes to drill yourself into the ground and your health

will recover. Here you can hide from the world!

Peanut Butter &

Jelly Sandwich Maker

Put PB&J to good use. It will

give you a quick health boost

but tends to be unstable.

Health Kit

Feeling a little sick? Use the Robinson Industries

Health pack to recover half of your health when used.

You can carry up to 9 of these at a time.

The Robinson Havoc Glove

Excavation and mining have never been so

easy. The Havoc Glove allow you to hit the

ground with tremendous energy, creating a

devastating shockwave.

The L.E.V. Gun

Shoot out powerful bubbles that can keep

enemies and objects suspended in mid-air!

When the bubble bursts, it really goes

out with a bang!

Charge Shield

New from Robinson Industries! Working in a

hazardous environment? Use the new Charge

Shield to protect yourself from physical harm!

Time Stopper

Need more time? Robinson

Industries has created the

Time Stopper!

Lightning Generator

Make lightning strike down from above by

blasting electrical charges into the sky. Lock-on

to enemies and show them lightning can strike

twice in the same spot!

Warning: Continual

use may disturb

the space time


Warning: The early

PB&J Maker prototypes

are not perfected and

can explode!

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