Precisionsound Maestrovox Ps-Mod User Manual

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© Copyright Precisionsound 2011

The Arpeggiator page

Global: Mode knob with Off, On, Hold and Hold +- settings. “Hold” means that the arpeggiator will
keep playing after you release the keys. “Hold+-“enables you to add notes to the arpeggio by
pressing further keys after the keys which started the arpeggio have been released.
MIDI Thru on/off button. When this is on, played keys will sound notes as normal, in addition to
feeding the arpeggiator.
Timing: Rate= 1/128, 1/64, 1/32, 1/16 T, 3/64, 1/16, 1/8 T, 3/32, 1/8, 1/4 T, 3/16, 1/4, 1/2 T, 3/8,
1/2, 3/4, 4/4. Duration 1-200%, Swing -50% - 50% control knobs.
Pitch: Style control knob with the following styles: As Played, Up, Down, Up & Down, Down & Up,
Zig-Zag Up,Zig-Zag Down, Zig-Zag Up-Dn, Zig-Zag Dn-Up, Move In, Move Out, Move In & Out, Move
Out & In, Random A, Random B, All (Chord)
. Octave -6 to +6. Strike 1-5.
Rhythm: Steps control knob from 2 to 32 steps. Fix Velocity on/off button.
The red bars are the notes in the arpeggio pattern and if you have the Fix Velocity off the height of
the bars controls the velocity amount of each note, nice for controlling the Cutoff of Filter 1 (see next
Check out the preset sounds called Arp to get a feel of the different parameters in the arpeggiator.
