Precisionsound Ukrainian Bandura User Manual

Page 4

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© Copyright Precisionsound 2013

Credits Page.

Recording by Fredrik Wictorsson

Editing & programming by Lars Westin

KSP Scripting by Iain Morland

GUI Graphics by Lars Westin

This library includes impulses from the free Bricasti M7 library by Acousticas, used under license.

A note about Kontakt 5.

We have provided a separate program for Kontakt 5, to work around a bug in Kontakt 5.1 and below.

The bug is that send effects such as delay and reverb are too loud. The program for Kontakt 5 contains

adjusted levels to compensate. Note that future Kontakt updates may fix the bug, in which case you

should use the program for Kontakt ¾ in Kontakt 5, to hear the effects at the correct level.
