Subtitle generator tool user manual, Version series – Quadrox Subtitle Generator Tool User Manual

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Subtitle Generator Tool User Manual


Version Series

You may use the Software solely for your own internal data processing operations.
If the Software is an upgrade of a previous version of the product, you may now use
that upgraded product only in accordance with this SLA (provided you discontinue the
use of the un-upgraded version).
You shall not:
(a) remove any product identification, copyright notices, or other notices or
proprietary restrictions from the Software;
(b) make the Software available for commercial timesharing, rental, application
service provider or service bureau use;
(c) except as provided in paragraph 6, transfer, sell, assign or otherwise convey
the Software to another party without Quadrox's prior written consent;
(d) translate or otherwise prepare any derivative works based on the Software;
(e) disclose any information related to the Software, including without limitation
diagnostic tests, screen images, printed output, or results of any performance
or benchmark tests of any Software to any third party without Quadrox's prior
written approval;
(f) use the Software as an aid to develop or market a competing product;
(g) make any attempt to bypass or disable product serialization or time limit
mechanisms where such mechanisms are utilized in the Software's programming,
(h) transfer or use the Software outside of the Territory without Quadrox's prior
written consent and without paying any applicable additional fees.
You further agree to comply fully with all laws and regulations to assure that, should
such consent be granted, neither the Software, nor any direct product thereof, is
exported, directly or indirectly, in violation of law.
You also agree not to cause or permit the Software to be dumped, traced,
disassembled, decompiled or otherwise reverse engineered except to the extent
(x) applicable law expressly requires that you be permitted to decompile,
(y) it is essential to do so in order to achieve interoperability of the
Software with another software program, and
(z) you have first requested Quadrox to provide the information necessary to
achieve such interoperability and Quadrox has not made such information
available in accordance herewith.
Quadrox has the right to impose reasonable conditions and to request a reasonable
fee before providing such information. Any information supplied by Quadrox or obtained
by you, as permitted hereunder, may only be used by you for the purpose described
herein and may not be disclosed to any third party or used to create any software
which is substantially similar to or competitive with the Software.

The Software is the proprietary product of Quadrox or its suppliers and is protected by
copyright, trade secret, patent and other intellectual property laws and international
treaties. You acquire only the right to use the Software and do not acquire any rights,
express or implied, in the Software or media containing the Software other than those
specified in this SLA. Quadrox or its suppliers shall at all times retain all rights,
title, and interest, including intellectual property rights, in the Software and its media.
You agree not to challenge the validity of Quadrox's or its suppliers' copyright or
trademark rights in and to the Software.
