1 introduction, 2 kit components – Bio-Rad Affi-Gel Protein A Media User Manual

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Section 1
Econo-Pac Protein A Kit

1.1 Introduction

The Econo-Pac protein A kit is based upon Bio-Rad’s Affi-Gel


protein A MAPS


II methods and contins everything necessary to

purify monoclonal antibodies from ascites or serum. Affi-Gel protein
A agarose consists of purified protein A coupled to crosslinked
agarose beads via chemically stable amide bonds. The Econo-Pac pro-
tein A column contains 2 ml of Affi-Gel protein A with a total capac-
ity of 10-14 mg mouse IgG


when used with the MAPS II buffers


The Econo-Pac protein A kit provides a simple and convenient

method for the purification of all IgG subclasses, including IgG



from ascites fluid. Sample preparation has been simplified by the
use of the Econo-Pac 10DG desalting columns. Binding, elution,
and regenerations steps can be completed with only one column vol-
ume of buffer per step, making the total procedure fast and easy.

1.2 Kit Components

Econo-Pac protein A column

One Econo-Pac column
packed with 2 ml of Affi-Gel
protein A agarose.

Econo-Pac 10DG desalting

Four Econo-Pac 10DG
desalting columns.

Binding buffer

One bottle (471 g) of buffer
solids, reconstitution volume
= 1,500 ml.

Elution buffer

One bottle (25 g) of buffer
solids, reconstitution volume
= 1,000 ml.

Regeneration buffer

One bottle containing 400
ml. CAUTION: Contains
methanol. DO NOT MOUTH

Instruction manual

The Econo-Pac protein A kit contains a sufficient quantity of

reagents to purify approximately 300 mg of mouse IgG




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