3 invoking acronis disk director server wizards, 4 partition operation properties, 1 displaying operation results – Acronis Disk Director Server 10.0 - User Guide User Manual

Page 15: 2 pending operations, Artition, Peration, Roperties

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Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000–2005


Beginning The Work

Hide/Unhide — hide/unhide a partition

Set Active — set an active partition

Resize Root — resize FAT16 partition root

Change Bytes per i-node — resize i-node table (Linux Ext2/Ext3)

Change Cluster Size — change FAT16/FAT32 partition cluster size

Change Type — change partition type

Recover recover deleted or damaged partitions (see Chapter 6Chapter 7 «Working

with Acronis Recovery Expert»).

Edit — edit hard disk data (see Chapter 8 «Working with Acronis Disk Editor»).

Advanced partition operations are called from the Advanced sidebar list, the same partition
context menu item or toolbar button.

Note that the additional operations list of the partition context menu or toolbar depends

on the selection of a partition type. For example, the FAT16 partition menu contains

Æ Resize Root; this is absent in the FAT32 partition menu. The Linux Ext2/Ext3

partition context menu contains Advanced Æ Change Bytes per i-node, which is not found on
the FAT menus.


Invoking Acronis Disk Director Server wizards

Wizards are invoked from the Wizards submenu and the corresponding sidebar list. For
example, select Wizards Æ Create Partition for the partition creation wizard.

3.4 Partition



3.4.1 Displaying



Results of any disk partition operation are immediately displayed in the Acronis Disk
Director Server main window.

If you create a partition, it will be immediately shown in the hard disk partition list in the
main window, as well as in graphical form on the bottom of the main windows.

Any partition changes, including resizing, relocating and labeling are also immediately
displayed in the main window.

3.4.2 Pending


All operations are pending until the user issues the command for the changes to be made
permanent. Until then, Acronis Disk Director Server will only show the new partition
structure that is provided by operations to be performed.

Therefore, you can view the graphical representation of the new partition structure first
and then decide whether to perform or cancel specific operations.
