Reviews – Woo Audio WA6 Headphone Amplifier User Manual

Page 14

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June 10, 2011©2011 WOO AUDIO


 Inc. All 

rights reserved. 

Rev 1.0. June 10, 2011. 




"With a creamy, natural sound and tight bass response, along with pro-grade build

quality to match, we're sure any serious music lover would enjoy this fabulous piece of
audio bliss." - Unplggd Test Lab

"WooAudio has one of the prettiest and slickest build quality that you can find in the
industry. Everything from the hairline finishing, the lines, the knobs, the transformer

housing, all the way to the back panel, you find nothing but top quality workmanship."
- Headfonia

"It was almost magical the way the Woo WA6 made every recording sound better than
I thought it was. – The AudioPhiliac CNET

The WA6 offer great sound and great value!" - Tone Audio, issue 8

"Awesome! Amazing sound! I know I use these heavy words now and I promised
myself I wouldn't as I do not get excited very easily and I did not want to cause a stir
with this review and then make people have high expectations. But I do think the sound
is indeed awesome." - George Chronis@Head-fi

"I never really knew how good the HD-600's could sound until hearing them through

the WA6. Anyone that says the HD-600's are dark or veiled hasn't tried the correct
headphone." - Rad212@Head-Fi

"The soundstage or spatial placement of sound is excellent, but in my opinion this is
also dependant on the music, recording quality and headphones used. Overall clarity is

excellent, it sounds natural and the sound is clean/undistorted without a morsel of off
sound or graininess." - WalkGood@Head-Fi
