Operating guide – Hexin Technology HXSP-2108E-C Rackmount RS-485/RS-422 To Ethernet TCP/IP Serial Device Server User Manual

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2. Operating Guide

2.1. HXSP-2108E Disposition

HXSP-2108E adopt the transparent transmission means to deal with data, namely any data

the serial port receives is retransmitted to the network. The user may use any communication

protocol to realize network communication without changing the original procedure.

Then HXSP-2108E adopts WINDOWS application procedure-ezConfig and disposes

parameter through network. Below is the initial contact surface:

Buttons function instruction:

SEARCH(S): To search HXSP-2108E converter in network, with the result demonstrated in

physical address tabulation frame. After selecting one physical address, you can read or set

this converter parameter.

READ(R): To read the current converter parameter. You can automatically read the

corresponding parameter in the physical address tabulation or choose to read one in it.

WRIAE (W): Button W is effective when you choose the converter in the physical address

tabulation frame. You can insert any data in the corresponding frame. Click the button to

write it into the converter. Attention: Changing physics address leads to the

replacement network connection which takes rather long time or using DOS order

“ARP-D” to eliminate the ARP buffer to operate.

EXIT(X): To close ezConfig, or click the ESC key.

The disposition step is as follows:

1. Correctly install and connect HXSP-2108E (RF. 1.4), move the ezConfig procedure, and
