Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker User Manual

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background image

We've got lots more background art than we could fit into our download file. Open the Help
menu and click on the Check for new art option, and we'll launch your browser with the URL of
our extra-art page.

Help Contents

Art Browse

If you want to use the traditional Windows-Explorer style interface for finding clip art on your
computer, click on the Art Browse tab near the top of the program's main window. This will
bring up our explorer-tree clip art window. Instead of a list of file names, though, our browse
tab displays thumbnails of all the images in whatever folder is currently selected. Call us crazy,
but we think it's easier to find the pictures you want by looking at the actual pictures than by
deciphering their file names.

The Art Browse tab pane contains two windows. The top window is a Windows Explorer tree.
Use it to find the folders where your clip art resides. Click on the + sign beside a folder or drive
you want to dive into, and the tree will expand to show the subdirectories that the folder or
drive contains. Click on the name of a folder or drive, and the Art Browse pane's lower window
will fill with the images that are in that folder (not including the images in any subdirectories it
may have), should it have any.

Changing the Explorer Tree & Thumbnail Window Sizes

You can change the amount of space devoted to the explorer tree window vs. the thumbnails
window by clicking on the border between them and dragging it up or down. The mouse cursor
will change into a little vertical resizing arrow when it's over the resizing border.

About the Clip Art Cache

Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker caches the thumbnails of any clip art images it finds. Or,
translated into English: the first time the program displays the thumbnail of a clip art image, it
will take longer to display than it will any time from then on. That's because the first time
through, it has to create the thumbnail that gets displayed. But it saves the thumbnail in a
special cache, so anytime the program displays that thumbnail from then on, it can retrieve the
thumbnail from the cache instead of creating it, so it will be much faster.

Note: the program bases the thumbnail size on your current video resolution, so that
thumbnails will occupy roughly the same amount of your available screen space no matter
what resolution you're running in. If you change your screen's resolution (such as from 800 by
600 to 1,024 by 768), the absolute thumbnail sizes will change, so the program will have to
create new thumbnails for any clip art that it displays.

Help Contents

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