Introduction, System requirements – Audio Damage Replicant 1.5 User Manual

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Thank you for purchasing Audio Damage‟s Replicant, our delay-based plug-in for slicing, dicing, and looping
your drum loops and other rhythmic audio. Replicant creates everything from simple delay and panning
effects to stutters, automated filter sweeps and unpredictable random audio mangling.

You‟re probably much more interested in playing with Replicant than reading about it, but there are some
subtleties of its operation which bear written explanation. This manual assumes you are familiar with at least
the basics of using audio plug-ins and digital audio workstation (DAW) software or other software which hosts
plug-ins. This manual provides explanations of all of Replicant‟s controls, how they operate and interact, and
how you can use a hardware MIDI controller to control Replicant.

System Requirements

To use Replicant, you'll need a Steinberg VST-compatible host application which conforms to the VST 2.0
specifications, and a computer capable of running it. For the AudioUnit version of Replicant, you‟ll need an
application capable of hosting AudioUnit plug-ins, and an Apple computer with an Intel CPU capable of running
it. Replicant requires tempo and synchronization information from its host program; most contemporary,
commercial digital audio sequencers provide this but many special-purpose plug-in hosts do not. The following
specifications represent minimum requirements.

We support the use of Replicant under Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7; and Apple OS X version
10.5 or newer.
