Quickstart, Factory presets, Defaults – Expert Sleepers Oomingmak v1.1.0 User Manual

Page 11: Down one octave, Down two octaves, Sync to the max, Auto-wah, Pwm-tastic

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For a quick overview of Oomingmak, load up the plug-in in your host application of
choice and try out the factory presets, which are listed below.

In all cases you will probably need to set up your levels appropriately, as described below
in the


section, so that the envelope tracking works optimally.

Factory presets


In this preset all parameters are at their default value, and audio is passed through the
plug-in unaltered. This is a plain ‘vanilla’ preset from which to start creating your own

Down One Octave

Uses the Oscillator to create a tone an octave below that being tracked. The key settings to
note here are the Pitch (-12) and Sync (2) controls in the Pitch section.

Down Two Octaves

As Down One Octave, but another octave lower. Note the Pitch (-24) and Sync (4). This
preset uses a different combination of Oscillator waveforms to produce a different timbre.

Sync To The Max

Most settings are at default values, except the Pitch in the Env Mod section which is set to
its maximum value of 48. Therefore what you hear is the ReSynth section performing its
deepest oscillator sync effect according to the incoming audio envelope.


No pitch modulation in this preset - instead the Filter envelope tracking is used to create a
traditional ‘auto-wah’ effect, i.e. a low pass filter whose cut-off frequency depends on the
audio envelope.


This preset demonstrates the PWM abilities of the Oscillator. The output mix is set to only
output the square wave waveform, and the envelope and PWM LFO modulate the oscilla-
tor pulse-width.
