IC Realtime PTZ Controller for ICR101X User Manual
IC Realtime Camcorders

ICRealtime How-to Notes 96035
Pro Keyboard [DVR PRO 4/8/16]
[This note applies to all ICR Pro series DVRs]
Step 1: First start off by connecting your controller to the RS485 terminals in
the back of the Pro DVR. From the controller connect a RJ45
straight through cable from “Rx In”. At the other end of the cable,
cut the RJ45 head off and use the solid brown and solid orange
wires for the Rx + and Rx – (Rx + = Orange RX - = Brown).
Connect the two wires to the respected terminals on the Pro RS485
terminal board. Connect the terminal board to the back of the Pro
DVR. Now power the controller and your physical setup should be
Step 2: Once the controller is properly connected and powered, press
The DVR’s System ID number (which can be found in
the system properties of the DVR)
“SHIFT” (both PATTERN and SHIFT should be lit red). You should
now have control of the DVR that was selected in the DVR system
ID number. To Change which DVR you control, follow the first
couple steps to change the DVR system ID. Note: If it doesn’t
change the IDs, make sure “PATTERN” and “SHIFT” are off before
Step 3: Most of the buttons on the controller do what they say they do
such as “MENU” which opens the main menu of the DVR. Also
“ENTER” and “PREVIOUS” enters and escapes out of changes and
menus. The number pad will switch to individual channels and on
the top right you have your split screens.